Kakyoin Twins: Sibling Rivalry

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<p>Jotaro woke up the following day and quickly got dressed so he could meet Anoe before the other girls saw him talking to the new girl and ruined her life but today was just not his day as he was swarmed "get lost or my idiot sister will attack and I'm not calling her off" he kept walking away, trying his best to ignore them

"but Jojo" they all whined so he decided to freak them out a little

"you bitches never give up" he took off his jacket, put down his bag, and bent over backward, sticking his head between his legs. all the girls screamed and about half ran off, which allowed him to see Iruka trying to catch up to him and giggle "Ah yes, the classic I have no bones bullshit. you feral man"

Jotaro looked up at his sister "I believe you mean ferret man" he untwisted himself then put his jacket back on then continued with her, talking and trying to ignore the girls following them.

"that yes, my favorite superhero" She rolled her eyes

Noriaki Kakyoin was watching the pair from a tree, already having his pesky twin Anoe tangled up in Hierophant Green's tendrils "Fighting is useless even with Atlas"

Anoe looked up at him "You're lucky I love you otherwise our positions would be switched" She kept struggling to escape till he dropped her out of the tree and onto the ground

"be useful and distract them" he rolled his eyes at her.

Anoe sighed and walked over to them, smiling "Hey, I ran into you yesterday right?" Jotatro nodded and noticed how nervous she acted.

she noticed Nori wasn't paying attention to them anymore "Don't trust my brother, I don't know what's wrong but he's not acting right" Her leg then had a large cut down the side of it and she fell some uneven concrete stairs, using her stand to catch herself on a tree "that noodle haired ass"Jotaro made sure the cut wasn't too deep only to be pushed away by a man wearing a similar green uniform "Anoe, you ok, that was a pretty nasty fall"

he tried to help her up but had his hand smacked away "I don't trust you anymore Nori so leave me alone" she stormed well limped off without her bag

*at school*

Jotaro walked into the nurse's office "Hey, cherry girl, you forgot your bag" he saw the girl in a physical fight with the nurse with the other on the window sill.

Anoe looked at Jotaro and pushed the nurse towards him "his stand is in her, get it out" She felt her hair being grabbed and was pulled back by it, feeling a knife in her side "I should've done this long ago" Kakyoin whispered into her ear before trying to stab her again but this time she stopped the knife and kicked him in the face.

Jotaro found Hierophant and used Star platinum to pull it out, making the nurse bleed and pass out then helped Anoe by knocking Noraki out cold then throwing both of them over his shoulders, and started running all the way home "There's no explanation here aside from she's bleeding out and I have no idea what's up with her brother"

Joseph looked at his grandson who still had the two redheads on either shoulder "Didn't think it would happen this soon" he took Anoe from Jotaro then took all of them to a spare bedroom to make sure that the wounds all of them had weren't too horrible

"Miss, what are your names, and who do you two live with?" he asks knowing she needs actual medical attention

"I'm Anoe and that's my twin brother Noriaki. We live with our older brother in morioh" she muttered, awake but in pain

"Morioh is pretty far from here, what happened before he was like this?" Joseph asked, giving Jotaro a towel "apply pressure to her wound"

Jotaro nodded, pressing the towel to her side "We went to Egypt with some friends for the break, he strayed away from the group. I found him with some blonde dude with a weird neck tattoo"

"of course, that bastard would take advantage of him" he muttered under his breath

"Who?" she asked, wondering who this weird guy was and if he needed fewer teeth

he showed them the fleshbud in his forehead which made the other two teens cringe as it was moving.

Jotaro thought for a minute "If Star Platinum can stop a speeding bullet, wonder if I can pull it out without causing him brain damage"

he looked at Anoe "That good with you number 10?"

Anoe sat next to him, wrapping up her wound with her stand "One, we both know you know my name and two just don't kill him " She smiled and helped the taller teen hold her twin still "Atlas, strap him down" glowing grey and deep blue tendrils wrapped around the other man

"There, that work?" Jotaro nodded and used Star to pull the fleshbud out, which started climbing up his arm to his brain till it came out of Noriaki then pulled it out of Jotaro who started rubbing the weird feeling out of his arm and neck 

 Holly patched Kakyoin up and getting scolded by his sister " Anoe, I love you but I don't know what you're talking about"

he hugged his twin and calmed her down "I am sorry for worrying you and stabbing you in the side" Anoe didn't return the hug "I know that wasn't you but it still hurt, mentally and now phycally" She got up and walked off to fix and wash the blood off her clothes.

Avdol looked at them all "Very touching but I'm going to get her to the hospital before she bleeds out"

*after school hours*

Iruka ran in the door and kicked her shoe right at the back of Jotaro's head but Star caught it "why is my favorite sea goblin so violent?" he turned to look at her, tossing the shoe back

"You were attacked at school and didn't think to you know tell me about it?" she groaned

"I was carrying a dude who was knocked out and a girl bleeding out all the way here I'm honestly surprised the police didn't get called on my dumbass" he looked impressed with himself

"your an idiot" she rolled her eyes before going to her room

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