Steely Perv

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After acquiring a carriage and Enyaba in the back as they made their way to Karachi where Joseph stopped to get everyone doner kebabs "oh, Jiji is trying to haggle. Ladies and gents, it's time to place bets" Iruka giggled as she threw $20 into the middle of the carriage floor "we're in" the twins said in perfect unison as they threw in their money followed by Polnareff, Jotaro getting out his notebook and pen along with throwing his 20 in " ok so we have three votes scam from Iruka and the twins and two votes for not a scam from Polnareff and myself" he closed the books as the bored young adults watched, the twins and Iruka winning the bet "you're good" Polnareff smiled as the three split up their winnings when they heard the old lady mumbling gibberish before the flesh bud burst out of her face, Polnareff tried to help her as the others got ready to fight the new enemy, the man pulling Iruka close to his body, putting the lovers in her brain, knowing Jotaro wouldn't dare lay a finger on him if it would hurt his sister which ended with Jotaro punching the stand user to get him away to see Iruka double over in pain "hands off her ya creep" Jotaro picked the guy up by the collar "give me one good reason why we should keep your head attached to your body" Dan of Steel pointed at Iruka who looked like she was having trouble breathing  "anything you do to me happens to her as my stand the lovers is currently in her brain. So I'd be careful less you'd want to kill Iruka along with me" Jotaro dropped Dan onto the ground, Iruka catching her breath when she decide to try something by dragging her knife down her arm to see his arm slowly start bleeding but unlike with River Styx his didn't stop "ooooo, looks like it works both ways" she giggled before Nori picked her up and started running with Joseph and Polnareff "we'll fix this, Anoe keep Jotaro from killing him till we get back" Jotaro looked at the female twin then handed her his notebook "keep a list of everything he does so later we see how much of a smack down he gets" she nodded with an evil smile then started writing things down on the paper as Dan of Steel messed with Jotaro from making him a human bridge to shining his shoes and even stealing using star platinum before he got to the cherry on top, grabbing Anoe's chest "wow, these are nice, wonder what Nori is hiding under that tight as hell sports bra, wonder if you two are as identical as you say you are" Anoe looked at Jotaro "I'm sorry but" she tied up the older man then kneeded him in the face "no one talks about my brothers like that, especially Nori. If you ever do that again you'll end up with worse than a broken nose" she kept him tied up when she saw the lovers attached to the end of one of heirophant's tendrils "Jojo look,its out." the two teens looked at each other then at Dan, going to town on beating his ass. Jotaro didn't let either Nori or Iruka know of what happened to make Anoe beat the enemy within an inch of his life.

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