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During the fight that Avdol and Joseph were battling Mariah, the teens and Polnareff had their own bizarre adventure but let's cut to the beginning. "Do you think Jotaro was ever cute like that?" Polnareff asked Anoe as they watched the children playing in the mud, the redhead shook her head "he came out of Mrs.Holly's womb a badass" the Frenchman nodded at that conclusion as the Kujo siblings looked at each other "what's taking so long? Did Jiji break a hip or something?" Slush asked looking up at her brother "dunno, how about we looked for them so Noriaki doesn't yell at us for being late" the four walked inside to find their missing friends, Jotaro and Iruka looking in their hotel room while Anoe and Polnareff checked downstairs, finding nothing "maybe they got attacked?" the redhead teen suggested, Jotaro nodded "that makes sense. let's go look for them they might need back up and maybe some healing" they went into town and looked for their missing travel buddies with Alessi following them which Polnareff noticed before he noticed Iggy was gone. The frenchman decided to confront Alessi,Iruka staying with him in case someone needed to be healed because of their stupidity,being closely behind Polnareff when the enemy's stand went to attack,both of them jumping out of the way. "wha-Polnareff look,he's getting away" the small Japanese girl yelled as the pedo ran away,both the 16 year old girl and the 20 something year old man chasing him,slowly deaging as they came out of the alley "Polnareff why are you so small?"the now 4 year old asked "why are you small?" he asked in return "must be his ability,we gotta find Jojo" she grabbed his hand and started running,calling out to her big brother till Alessi cut them off,kicking the little girl onto the ground,knowing her stand was mostly powerless to begin with and ran off with french Koichi to god knows where,all she knew is she couldn't take on an adult alone even when she was normal 'gotta find Jojo or else I'll forget why I need to find him and that Pol needs help' she ran through the streets till she saw someone that looked close enough to Sado,pulling on the back of his jacket "exuse me but um my friend needs help" Jotaro turned around at the oddly familiar squeaky child voice "well that's not what I was expecting... are you ok slush?" he picked the child up who nodded "but Polnareff is in trouble and I'm guessing also a toddler but not as adorable?" he decided to use some patented older brother teasing as she nodded yes to both questions "not cute" she pouted "you're adorable,lead the way" he had her show him and Anoe which way she saw the guy take Polnareff then started looking around there,Iruka on her older brother's shoulders so she could see the guy that attacked her and their french friend "they wanna play hide and seek at the worse time" she giggled "you're lucky you're A) adorable B) a literal child and C) my sister because it's not a good time for jokes" he rolled his eyes as they looked around,finding the stand user after he jumped out a window and landed at their feet 'shit,they found her I should've delt with her first' Alessi thought as he used his stand on Jotaro when he felt tendrils wrap around his body "thought I forgot about you Anoe Kakyoin you and your tratior brother are going to pay" he used set on her deaging her to around 6 and Jotaro to around 7 "now Atlas is too weak and Jotaro can't use Star Platium,you're all doomed!" Jotaro kicked the adult in the shin "you made two mistakes; one, underestimating me cause I'm a kid, and two, picking on MY little sister" he started handing this grown-ass adult his own ass, everyone returning to their normal age. Anoe Polnareff and Jotaro used their stands to turn Alessi into the world's worse airplane. The four soon met up with Joseph and Avdol, getting scolded then breakfast before going to the hotel they told the four other crusaders that they were the cause of the broken train tracks but still went to the train station in case Noriaki was actually waiting for them.

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