Iggy actually likes people but not birds

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After two days with barely enough time to fill up water bottles much less shower, they still haven't found Dio's mansion so Avdol turned to a guy who knew the city better than anybody "give me three hours" the beggar told them as walked over to his car, Iruka raised her hand "can we shower now, I can smell Polnareff from here" the French man looked offended "like you smell like a basket of roses" he commented "least I use deodorant" Jotaro stopped Avdol from telling them to knock it off, it was just getting good.Iggy had went on his own exploration,getting in a growling match with some dogs on his way when he realized 'shit,its that building from the picture...' he decided against it after seeing the bigger dogs from earlier getting pulled under the gate then their decapatated heads getting thrown over the gate with a icicle through them 'shit,if whatever did that knows I'm workin for their enemy I'll end up like them,stupid Joestars I had a good life till they brought me here" he played the dumb dog routine when Pet shop came over to see what he was doing 'go away stupid bird' he thought till a car came sppeding at them,petshop going under the car as it rolled to a stop, the driver was stunned, Iggy started walking away, knowing that it would probably be in his best interest to tell them as the quicker they kill DIO the quicker he can go back to what he was doin before hand till a young boy asked the boston terrier where his dogs were "this kid knows I can't talk back?" he followed the kid to kill some time,seeing he was trying to get under the gate "eh,not my problem" the dog did still stay, he some days would wonder what it would be like to be a pet,mostly when it would be raining, Avdol wasn't too bad and he didn't mind the girls petting him he went to sace the kid, using the fool to distract the bird "I have a soft spot for dog lovers" he started fending off the bird when it smirked,distracting the dog long enough to slightly freeze him to the ground "shit" he broke free then ran into an alley "that was close. That bird is insane,I should tell the others" he started walking only to be blocked off again by petshop "what the hell" he bolted in the opposite direction, the evil bird hot on his heels. Iggy escaped into the sewers with some sleight of hand and dust but he'd have to wake up a little earlier to fake out Dio's guard who was still trying to kill him, he faked out the bird with his stand "hey you feathered freak over here" Iggy attacked the falcon who showed it centipede like the stand and started freezing the sewers, blocking off the exits as Iggy ran as fast as his small legs could carry him but luck wasn't on his side as his paw was stuck in the ice and he only had one option left... to chew his leg off and hop into the sewer which luckily ended in a river. The boston terrier hid in his stand to catch his breath "just have to stay here till the bird forgets me" thefalcon dove into the water,using another ice missile to break through the stand and 6 others to try to bury the dog alive,knowing he'd literally dig himself into a trap if he had a chance of surviving but believing he'd die anyway but being the clever dog that Iggy is he used the air pressure from the collapse of his hideout to propel himself forward and bite petshop,closing the falcon's beak around the next icy attack and causing the bird to probably explode as Iggy made it up to the surface,using whatever strength he had left to keep his head above the water "this isn't how I thought I'd go" he remebered his life on the street then when he was taken in by the speedwagon foundation,after a while it was of all his good times with the crusaders as he sunk his brain came up with a life that was odd to him,he was laying on someones floor with a small child nicely petting him till he relized he could breathe again,it was the kid from before who fished him out of the river and started walking home till he saw a fimilar green uniform and started barking at him "Iggy!" Noriaki was shocked why was Iggy injured and so far away from the group "excuse me sir but is this your dog?" the kid asked as the teen responded "no, he's my friend's dog, we've been looking for him all day" the boy gave the Boston terrier to Nori "take good care of him, he saved my life today" Nori nodded "I'll make sure he gets the wounds treated and that he gets some treats" the kid smiled as he ran off, Nori taking him to the others "NORI, OVER HERE!" Anoe yelled at her twin,waving her arms and jumping around like a crazy person "we're coming"hepicked up the pace a little,trying not to move Iggy too much before handing the wet dog to Iruka to work her own magic as he was tackled into a hug by Jotaro "Jojo,I love you but you smell like cigarettes,bo and horrible choices" Polnareff nodded "we all do,we've been looking for Dio's mansion for two days" Anoe nodded "Mrs.Holly doesn't have much time left" she nodded at the youngest member of their group who was busy "she's not taking it too well" Joseph looked at his group of teens and 20-somethings "let's head back to the hotel,gussing by Iggy's wounds he must've been attacked" the redhead that was still being hugged nodded "a kid found him in a river,seems like our now three-legged friend saved his life from a falcon" Joseph nodded "for now, let's go back to the hotel,we can continue tomorrow" "no" a small voice said "Iruk-" Jotaro started but was cut off "we can't stop now,we're almost out of time" "hey,it's not for long just till morning so when we fight Dio we're not all tired and off our a game " Joseph nodded in agreement with what his grandson said as he picked up both the 16 year old and the dog,carrying them back to the hotel for rest and snacks along with maybe one game of charades to get boost morale while Iggy got back to full health all while being oddly nice to Avdol and Polnareff to the shock of everyone, as they got their shoes and headed out,following the dog to Dio's front door getting a feeling of dread as they drew closer, Jotaro bending down to pet Iggy as a thank you "this nightmare is almost over" Iruka smiled at Jotaro "we still need to get inside slush" "ok,then we kick him in the nuts" "are you saying dumb shit to stop yourself from crying?" she nodded "you've known me for how long" he nodded and put her on his shoulders "everyone grab an exit buddy. The twins grabbed each other and Avdol grabbed his idiot so Joseph was stuck with Iggy as they approached the door, each of them filling with dread as they drew closer as the gate was open as if inviting them inside. Joseph started scoping it out as Jotaro put Iruka down, seeing a small pinkish-purple glow around her 'really, her stand is manifesting a physical form now... well better late than never, at least if we all get split up she has some way to defend herself' Joseph pulled him out of his head "If I can sense Dio, he can sense us too" "he smells like overpriced cologne and regret" Iruka commented, Jotaro nodded "he smells like that old jazz lounge dad played at when we were kids" "what?!" Joseph looked back at his grandkids "nothing" they quickly said in unison they realized Dio would have them where he wanted them if they went at him with everything they got, they needed a strategy but someone opened the opportunity for them to come inside, Polnareff looked inside "this place is huge, look at how long this corridor is, this is a trick." "he obviously has more stand users, I don't remember having to follow you down a corridor that long" anoe whispered to her brother "I'm sorry you followed me into DIO's mansion" he whisper shouted at her 'duh, what was I supposed to do, let him take advantage of you, Ryōji would never forgive himself if something happened to you" "you two share with the group," Avdol told them "Anoe followed my possessed ass in there" Nori immediately got punched in the arm then flipped his twin off "you two stop acting like your 12" "yes sir," they told Avdol in unison when Polnareff started yelling about the phantomhiv- I mean Dio's stupidly dressed butler floating over to them as they all stood guard "master Joestar and miss Kakyoin, we've been expecting your company, welcome to our humble abode. I'm the resident butler of this mansion" he floated over to Anoe "maybe this time things will go a lot smoother my love" Nori punched the guy in the face "hands off my sister or I'll happily yank out some of your teeth" "you punk"To Be Continued

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