Sun's Bright Rays

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"so we got a car just to turn it in for some camels?" Iruka asked as Joseph didn't tell anyone other than Jotaro what the plan was Joseph nodded as he traded the car for camels and water which the seller of said camels accepted. Joseph looked at the young adults in front of him as he tried to teach them how to properly mount a camel, failing horribly in the process, eventually, the others gave up on following Joseph's lead and did it in their own ways, all of them being more successful than Joseph but none the less they all rode off on their way to their next stop.

A few hours later the twins started being in Polnareff's words shady as they were whispering to each other about the feeling of being followed "you two are just being paranoid, if there's anyone out here we'd see them" they nodded "maybe it's just Polnareff staring at us and calling us shad when he's the one who killed Avdol" Anoe thought out loud, giving Polnareff the finger as he'd called them shady one too many times in her opinion and was tired of being called shady "that was uncalled for" Nori gave his twin a look then sent it to their older friend "no matter how much being called shady is" the pair went a little faster than the french idiot. Iruka checked her watch "Jotaro, may I see your watch? I don't think my time is right" Jotaro checked both their watches "How could that be? we just synced them to the time not that long ago" He was confused as the time on their watches didn't match up with what the sun was telling them "what the hell?" it was supposed to be getting darker and cooler but instead it was getting hotter. They all looked at each other except Anoe who looked at Polnareff who had the look of 'Who's shady now?' on her face, the French man rolled his eyes at the Japanese school girl as he now knew the twins were right but he knew the pair would tell him they told him if they lived through the stand attack Jotaro made a place for them to hide, making a sort of cave for them to hide from the heat under although they forgot water and the camels. " how do we stop the literal sun?" Nori asked out loud instead of in his head like he wanted to "it's out fo stan radius,even if we stacked Hierophant and Atlas together" did they try anyway,yes they did but it didn't work. Soon the Nori nudged his twin with his elbow and they started laughing  which made Polnareff start laughing when he realized it. joseph looked at his grandkids your friends are going crazy from the sun" he went back to looking for any possible ways to defeat the sun when Iruka started giggling,telling Jotaro about it who like everyone else started laughing which made Joseh think he was the only sane person till he asked them "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU KIDS?!" Jotaro stopped for a moment "Gigi, look there's two identical rocks" Joseph still looked at the group  like thy were crazy till Jotaro punched through the comically large mirror to see their very comfy culprit.

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