I am Justice

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"wow, Jojo! it looks so good that you can't even tell the difference" Iruka clapped, the seamstress nodded "it was an unusual request" Jotaro nodded then paid the woman as the pair ran out to say goodbye to Anne before they left for their next adventure, waving at her as she waved at them before they joined everyone in the car as they drove to a very foggy area when Jotaro heard a scream from behind him "holy fuck Iruka, what was wrong?" Jotaro looked back thinking she probably saw something important, only to see a dead dog "understandable" he turned back around while still having an uneasy feeling. When they got to the odd town they found a dead man in the street and no one would call the police, Anoe poked her brother's shoulder "this town is odd, they're worse than anyone that lives in a huge city like Tokyo or New York" Nori nodded "or we could've gotten used to living with Ryōji in Morioh, we were probably just as bad when we lived with mom and dad" they saw Joseph trying to hop a fence "Jojo, Jiji has gone senile" Iruka told her older brother who nodded in agreement as Joseph tried to convince them all that the car was right there when an old woman approached them, inviting them to her B&B for the night, all of them signing under fake names before heading up to their rooms where shortly after Polnareff was looking for a bathroom as it took five people to figure out how to fix the TV in Joseph's room "when in doubt hit it with a shoe" Anoe used her shoe to smack the TV which didn't work "odd, that usually works" Nori nodded in agreement "well now I can't use Hermit Purple to gather intel on our enemy" Joseph sighed "what if I beat up the old woman with Anoe's shoe?" Jotaro smacked his sister upside the head "not the time you chaos potato" she pushed him "hey, stop fighting you two" Joseph looked at his grandkids who went to cuddle with their respective Kakyoin twin instead when they heard a loud noise downstairs then went to investigate it, Iruka getting to beat up the old lady at the end of it "questioning the lady or murder?" she looked up at Jotaro with a psychotic smile "questioning, you chaos potato" he messed up her already messy hair as Hol Horse stole that car as the twins and Polnareff chased him down unsuccessfully.

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