Iggy v N'doul: neither side wins

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the other two men jumped into the car, driving into the desert to meet up with the Speedwagon foundation for supplies and a new ally, Polnareff sorta pouting after Iruka again got the aux cord as he now had to listen to the four teens singing off key just to annoy him "will you four stop that? it's annoying as all hell" the four teens ignored him and kept singing till Joseph pulled up where the Speedwagon plane was and unplugged the teens "best behavior" he looked at all of them as they got out of the car and walked over to the foundation workers who  warned them against bugging their new companion but Polnareff didn't listen and now had a hair eating dog \glued to his face, much to Iruka's delight as she giggled "Noriaki help me" the redhead shook his head "no thanks I like my hair" the french man tried to get the dog off his face when it farted in it "ew gross" Anoe shook her head and looked at Avdol who nodded "Iruka,I belive I gave you his favorite snack" she reached into Jotaro's deep pockets and retrieved the coffee flavored gum "can dogs even safely eat gum?" she pulled one of the pieces out before putting it back in her brother's pocket the dog looked at the small girl,running over and taking the gum from her,deciding he better be nice to stay on her good side till he figured out her stand,the mutt knew to be nice to the healer. Joseph and Jotaro unloaded the plane and loaded the supplies into the car "Iruka" Joseph called his granddaughter over "this is for you, thought you'd appreciate having a cold place to store blood" the older man handed her a small, white bag that looked like a rabbit "thank you?" the small Kujo was confused till she opened it to see it had supplies to draw blood and the inside was frozen "wow, I'll get to work on collecting blood sir" they both heard yelling in the background "Polnareff is gonna need it" Joseph nodded as she went to try to extract her blood while everyone else tried to get Iggy off Polnareff.

after about 20 minutes and four pieces of gum they were all in the car, the twins, Avdol, and Polnareff all stuck in the trunk "why does he only like Iruka?" Polnareff complained as she was the only person allowed to sit near the dog "because he probably knows she's our healer somehow" Avdol suggested his theory which the others agreed with as sane humans don't normally put decent-sized needles into the biggest artery in their body for fun, storing tubes of blood in an unassuming bunny bag when they saw the downed Speedwagon plane, all of the humans got out of the car, seeing water and blood everywhere, they saw one of the pilots were still alive although not long as his head was ripped from his shoulders and dragged into the canteen, Jotaro covering his sister’s eyes so she didn’t lose her lunch and pass out as they all moved away from the body “now water is dangerous?” Anoe whispered as they hid behind the sand dunes “the twins and Polnareff are all close to each other although which twin is which, they’re identical even in height and weight” N’doul thought for a moment before using Geb to attack “Anoe, watch out” Nori pushed his twin out of the way as his eyes got slashed open, the red-haired girl screamed as her brother fell in her lap, the black haired girl running across the sand to help them “idiot” Jotaro muttered under his breath as the healer ran across the sand “I found you, little healer, we both know you all have no control of that mutt” the enemy slashed the high school girls calf open but she didn’t fall, she somehow kept moving “how fast can this kid heal” she slid into the dune with Polnareff, giving them all some blood “special delivery” she smiled as Joseph yelled at all of them to get on top of the car, all of the crusaders running and climbing on wherever there was room.

They knew they were absolutely fucked when Iggy woke up from his nap and jumped out of the car, right before the others were almost thrown off by the stand. Jotaro held onto Noriaki with one arm and the car with the other as they all jumped off, landing in different spots. “You really think you can fool me that easily?” N’doul felt Avdol move four steps forward and stop till he realized that they weren’t footsteps “you’re clever but you can’t fool me for long” he cut open the crusader’s back, slowly doing the same to the others till he could pull Iruka out with Jotaro to follow her. N’doul didn’t have to wait long for that but not the way he expected, Jotaro was running right at him with Iggy but Iruka was doing as he expected, running around healing people. Iggy tried to get rid of Jotaro as they stopped gliding but he used Star to get them back up, getting hit by Geb shortly after and losing his hat “I’ll find it later” he threw Iggy at the enemy while running, Knowing that N’doul would be preoccupied with the flying mutt for the teen to sneak up behind him.

A couple of hours later Jotaro and Iggy were back, to the relief of the others as they continued their trek to Cairo with the two weeks they have left.

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