Last Train Home

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Polnareff finally found where DIO was hiding, going in alone while the others, including the vampire that was now in a brown sack, protected from the light were waiting on the other side of the wall, ready to strike "well, well, well. Polnareff you came to visit me, without your friends?" the vampire laughed at the Frenchman at the bottom of the steps "join me once more, you were powerful. You can be my loyal servant again" Ponlareff wiped the blood from his previous battle off on DIO's curtains "to hell with that, I couldn't betray Avdol or Iggy like that. Also, wait till you meet Jotaro and Iruka, I'm more terrified of that 16-year-old girl than I am of you and soon you'll see why" Polnareff started running up the steps but found himself back where he started. That was odd the sword wielder thought he moved "what, are you too scared to face me?" the neon yellow monstrosity smirked although it was hard to see because of the shadows he shielded himself in, watching as Jean tried several more times to climb the stairs, only to be put right back were he started by the world. Jean caught a glimpse of the yellow stand as the others broke down the wall, their enemy running up the stairs and into the darkness above them "FIGHT US, YOU COWARD!" Iruka yelled up the steps as the twins dumbed out the loser vampire into their shadows "is there any other way to get to where DIO went?" Nori asked as he called out Hierophant as his identical twin cracked her knuckles "why should I tell you two nerds?" "Anoe will kick your ass while I hold you down" Jotaro looked at the twins "That won't do too much he's immortal and has a pretty fast healing factor" they rolled their eyes at their friend as their let go of their now terrified hostage "what are you waiting for, lead the way" "you guys could be a little nicer to your guide" the vampire started climbing up the steps, showing them the way to DIO's coffin "well, what are you waiting for, open it" Anoe whispered in his ear, making their hostage jump "we're finally here, I've never met him, but I've known of him for as long as I can remember, maybe even longer than that" Joseph muttered as Jotaro punched open the wall beside them to let in some sunlight 'the thought of him has been burned into me since birth, same for Jotaro who wanted to protect his sister from this darkness for as long as possible, we all hoped this day would never come but it's our duty to put a stop to this evil' "I have no regrets aside from letting Anoe come with us, she shouldn't have to worry about weather on nit one of us will be killed. She and our friends have been hurt too many times because of my actions but I can live with whatever happens long as we're still together' Nori held his twin's hand 'I've never seen so clearly till I went on this trip, my friends especially Avdol are light and DIO is darkness and soon we will wipe him out' 'burn in hell you rat bastard, karma will collect your debt after all the pain you've caused' Anoe put her free hand on her hip "hurry up loser before you we throw ya in the sun" Jotaro pulled his sister away from the coffin, knowing she would be one of the biggest targets with her healing abilities "everyone, stay alert" Joseph yelled at the teens as they all watched the loser vampire opened the lid of the coffin, still groveling to his master "shut up and open it, your voice is so annoying" the redhead girl snapped with an eye roll as the lid was lifted off when time stopped and when it resumed DIO wasn't in the coffin "why?" the vampire asked as he layed there, mostly dead. The hair on the back of the twins' necks stood up, the redhead male looked sick "did anyone see anything?" everyone shook their heads "is he messing with us?" Jojo asked when Joseph yelled at them" let us get out of here" the oldest member grabbed their stubborn Frenchman and pulled him out of the hole in the wall with everyone else, using their stands as parachutes "what the hell was that, it felt like there was a bulldozer was chasing us down the road" the green teen guy commented they continued to fall from the building "yeah it felt like an icicle up the ass" the oldest remarked "I didn't need to know that" his granddaughter looked disgusted as they all grabbed onto the side of the building on some wooden circular beams sticking out of it "DIO will have the advantage in the dark" Joseph told the group "we can't just give up" Pol yelled as the twins went behind the building to talk "what's the plan?" "I don't know what you're talking about Noe" "We both know you have a stupid plan to find out DIO's stand so spill" he whispered something into her ear "ooo, good idea" they went back to the group to see Polnareff had left "where did he go?" Noriaki asked Jotaro "to fight DIO by himself but don't worry we have a plan. You, Anoe, Iggy, and Gigi are gonna lure DIO farther into the city while Avdol, Iruka, and I go with Polnareff to push him your way" they all nodded before running into the sunset in opposite directions, only stopping when they found a mode of transportation "hey buddy can we buy your car off you?" "no, this baby is my bread and butter" he gave the man a stack of cash "deal" the original owner got out of the car, Iggy and Anoe in the bed of the truck with Joseph and Noriaki in the front as the girl in the back looked for DIO, wondering why he hasn't attacked them yet but their favorite Frenchman found the neon demon before anyone else "there he is, I'll put an end to this nightmare" he started towards their enemy only for Jotaro and Avdol to stop him "you don't need to do it alone, we have a plan" the silver fox smiled and kissed the fiery man in front of him much to the joy and mocking of the two teens who were with them.DIO went into the city, following Joseph, the twins, and Iggy when he saw a limo to follow them in, knowing it would be faster than relying on the world yet he almost got the shit knocked out of him by the security guard of Governor Phillips if it wasn't for his vampiric powers breaking the guy's arm before getting in the back of the limo next to the governor himself who started talking about today's youth till DIO ripped his front teeth from his skull "get in the front and follow that truck, don't make me repeat myself" the governor started going through his accomplishments in his head till he said "listen here you punk band reject-" DIO threw him to the front of the truck, stopping time and pulling him back into the car every time the man tried to escape till he followed the truck "I see, you're chasing your lover?" he asked when he saw Anoe watching the road from the bed of the truck "you could say that" the vampire answered, not wanting to get into detail at the moment as they followed them as they tried to blend into traffic "DIO's bloodlust is so strong" the older man muttered, Noriaki looked over at him "wait, Mr.Joestar you can sense DIO? Do you know where he is?" the old man shook his head "No,just have a general idea. Like when we got here I knew DIO was here but not exactly which is how I know DIO can't tell we separated, even with Jotaro and Iruka together he can't tell who's where for all he knows you two are letting the rookie drive" he laughed as they sped down the road till they hit a jamPolnareff was kneeling on the side of the road, trying to hot-wire a motorbike "this isn't as easy as the movies make it look" "Jojo, be a doll and help him out please?" Iruka smiled sweetly, her older brother kicking the bike and it started "thank you big bro" she smiled again, getting a small one in return "hey, where is your short ass goin?" he asked the smaller girl as she ran away "gonna go find other ways to meet up with the twins and Gigi, I'll see you guys at the clock tower" the young Kujo started running down the alley as the guys rode the bike after DIO except Avdol who followed the small girl down the alleys for a little protection from DIO In traffic DIO and Phillip were stuck in the same jam as the rest of the team "traffic jam, we're gonna be stuck here for a while" "there's an entire sidewalk so drive" "b-but there are commuters on the sidewalk" "I don't care now drive" Phillips started driving on the sidewalk, killing multiple people and getting blood all over their car "Uh, gays, I think I can spot DIO, Limo with a crazy ass driver" Anoe yelled to be heard over all the sounds of the busy Cairo streets "wanna kick his ass, Noe?" "hell yeah Nori" both twins sent out their stands "taste blood bastard" they sent out their splash attacks, only for DIO to deflect both of them with one finger "what the hell? He just deflected both of them at the same time" they tried again and again till "NORI!" his stand was punched into a few street signs "ow, I'm ok Noe" he tried to reassure her as he was bleeding Iggy barking "shit, incoming" she ducked, pulling the Boston terrier under her body as Phillips flew threw the air and threw the back window, making Joseph lose control and crash, all of them jumping out just in time "you ok Iggy?" the girl asked as she put the dog back on the ground when the hair on the back of her neck stand up again "Noriaki talk now, I know you saw something now spill" "I may have seen a glimpse of the world and it's the same ugly shade of yellow that its user is wearing" the young man looked at his feet as they stood on the rooftop "it's close range, possibly uses his fists instead of weapons" they started swinging from the rooftops,leading DIO farther into the city when the clocktower came into view "Noe,don't do it" "I'm doing it, you can't stop me" "you're going to get killed" "you'd get killed too dumbass" "don't use my logic against me" "you two stop arguing,neither of you are going to die" Joseph stopped their arguing as thek kept swinging as Nori got lost in thought, from a time long past..."Mrs.Kakyoin I'm worried about your daughters. Don't get me wrong they're incredibly bright but neither of them really interact with the other children aside from each other. Also, Tenmei has given me some... Interesting drawings of these tentacle children" their teacher explained his concerns to their mother "they're incredibly bright, just reserved." he shook hands with their mother as she stood up "how often do we involve deeper thinking? How often do we make a genuine connection with someone?" a little Nori was looking at some kids "my classmates had phonebooks with at least 50 names, if not 100. Our parents have each other, Ryōji has Dante and Noe has the volleyball team but all I had for the longest time was her and Hierophant Green. I never had friends except for them" he kept spacing out, thinking about their home before then " at age 12 we got kicked out because of me, mom found out about that outside the house I stopped being that sweet little Tenmei that she wanted, she hurt Anoe to get at me til she called Ryōji and he took us to his apartment in Morioh... I remember holding her as she cried on the train, she was tired of being strong and showing that bitch that she couldn't hurt her just to get at me. I don't deserve them, I'm too weak to protect her" "Another point for Morioh, thanks to that number 7 first year" some girls commented 'Volleyball is what made her happy, no it made her free. She made loads of friends with her teammates, they were all so sweet.'"EARTH TO NORIAKI!" Anoe waved her hand in front of her twin's face, pulling him out of his daydream "sorry, got lost in thought. Ready to get into position?" she nodded before swinging off 'I finally know the feeling of flight that volleyball gives you' he thought as he watched her get into position 'it feels good to have people who understand you and want to help' he couldn't help but watch as Atlas and it's tendrils disappeared into the surroundings 'I'll treat Atlas like I do all my problems, by keeping it invisible' she waited for DIO like he was a ball coming directly at her face as he got closer, getting shot with the blue rocks whenever the neon bastard stepped on one of the many strings of her web "TIME TO PAY YOUR 100 YEAR DEBT TO BOTH THOSE ALIVE AND DEAD" 'that stupid brat' the vampire thought as he looked at his attacker, she wasn't afraid of him in the same way her brother 'I'll find his secret no matter what, everyone's counting on this plan going right' she breathed in then yelled again "20 METER RADIUS STONE SMASH" then time stopped,DIO destroyed the web around them almost instantly and Anoe's body ragdolled into the water tower behind her. "ANOE" Noriaki felt sick as he heard the sicking sound of her body hitting metal when DIO showed up behind him "she was brave and stupid now you will join he-" the neon monster was stuck in more tentacles "you sick bastard, you'll burn in hell" he started swinging DIO back and forth, hitting his opponent against the hard concrete as hard as he could but as soon as time stopped DIO escaped the tendrils "damn it" he muttered as he went over to the busted water tower.'I'm dying but how did he get me? It's like the bastard disappeared but how I would've felt him' she tried to move but couldn't, only staring at the clock tower 'It's midnight back home, wonder what Ryōji is doing. Probably sound asleep, hope he's having good dreams" those weren't her last thoughts nor were her last thoughts about her brothers but of DIO, she thought about it when she noticed some red hair out of the corner of her eye 'you idiot, just leave me here' she watched as her tin pulled her out of the running water and to the side where she could still see the clock tower, time running through her mind 'he bought me a few minutes to do this' she used her stand to shoot one last wave of blue gems at the clock, stopping it where it stood before blacking out and dying completely. "No no nononono, you can't be dead, you're too young to be dead" Nori cried as he held the dead body in his arms till the Speedwagon Foundation showed up to take the body, leaving him to stare at the broken clock "why did she attack the clock? DIO wasn't even over there" he looked at the blood soaking into the green fabric of his uniform while thinking "wait the clock stopped, clocks tell time, DIO can stop time! NOE YOU GENIUS!" the remaining twin got off the building and started running down the streets to find someone, anyone to tell them what DIO's ability was but he was too late for the fight, Joseph was dead at his feet and Jotaro was trying to fight the fashion nightmare "Jotaro be careful, bastard can stop time" "why are you soaking wet and covered in blood?!" Jotaro was more concerned about his boyfriend's safety than his own also he wanted to know how painful to make DIO's beatdown "I'm fine, asshole killed Anoe and I bet he has one more servant running around here too to take out not just us but Avdol and Polnareff too" time stopped with DIO right in front of his ex servant with a knife to his throat "now now Jotaro if you come closer your little friend here will end up like your grandfather" that was scary till there was a scythe around DIO's throat as well "FIGHT US YOU FUGLY LOSER" Avdol smacked the smaller girl upside the head "watch your profanity" "no, he deserves all the profanity" the other two teens agreed as DIO let go of his hostage then the three of them ran in different directions, DIO choosing to face Jotaro while letting Pucci take care of Iruka who was running in his direction while Iggy who followed Joseph earlier went with Avdol and Kakyoin went to find Polnareff wherever the hell he was. Pucci saw her, a girl around his age with medium-length black hair, dirty clothes that made her look like she came from a KISS concert and her bunny bag holding her own blood inside it, the perfect target for white snake who was creeping up on his target till said target turned around to look at the stand and immediately went on the defensive, cutting white snake with her scythe "get away from me" she started running again and ran into the stand user "great, just what we need, nother DIO lackey" she punched him in the face with no remorse she was in no mood to fight, Joseph needed healing and the taller guy wanted to fight so that's what the little Kujo did, fight Pucci with her bare hands, sending River Styx as far back to Joseph as possible, trying to heal him like she always did "really they let you go all by yourself" he grabbed her arms trying to pin her to the ground to take her memories and stand only to be kicked and for her to use her minimal body weight to try to throw him aroud, trying to keep him distracted while in their fight as Jotaro and DIO were fighting right above them,she couldn't let Pucci tell DIO how to hurt Jotaro, he pulled a knife on her,stabbing her mulitple times, avoiding anything vital 'My stand might not be strong or fast like my brother's but if it can help my friends then I'll fight like hell to stand proud like them even if it means I'll never see them again' she kept fighting till her discs popped out of her head, her bloody body fell onto the ground as Pucci ran off after leaving a note for whoever found her in that state.Kakyoin went back to Joseph's body, seeing Iruka's bag next to it "if that's her bag then where's Iruka?" he went looking for their young friend only to see where Pucci had left her and the note for them to come to find him if they wanted to get her back "I'll tell Jojo later, for now, he needs to focus on DIO" he went back to Joseph to see DIO drinking his blood with his fingers, the soul of Joseph telling Jotaro to stay calm and to keep the others safe "it's been the greatest adventure I've been on since the 30s, this may be crazy but this sure was a lot of fun" the angsty teen rubbed his eyes "was that even real?" he went back to DIO "COME BACK HERE YOU BASTARD" he watched DIO fly up into the air, Jotaro hot on his heels as Kakyoin rounded up the others as back up, following Jotaro and DIO as they fought in the air, clearing out any civilians that may get hrut due to the fight til they lost sight of the pair "I'm gonna show the Speedwagon Foundation where Joseph and Iruka are, maybe they can help them out" Kakyoin went running back to where the others are, Avdol joining him while Polnareff watched Jotaro defeat DIO only seeing that the stem roller smashed into the ground and what was left of DIO dead on the ground while a speedwagon van pulled around the corner. Jotaro threw his arms in the air, looking both exhausted and proud of himself "it's over, we can finally go home" he got up in the truck, helping with what was left of the neon demon into the van with Joseph before sitting next to Kakyoin who was sitting on the ground, crying into his already ruined pants, not that Jotaro could blame the poor guy, he did just lose his sister as he sat next to him while the foundation agents talked via the radio "wanna help me save Gigi and get some more revenge on DIO?" the redhead nodded "it might help with the guilt of not being able to save both Anoe and Iruka" "what happened to Iruka?" Nori pulled a note out of the clean part of his shirt "one of DIO's servants, one who didn't need a flesh bud, all I remember of him is that his name is Enrico Pucci, he's around our age and is training to be a priest, I'm guessing his stand is what put Iruka in the coma-like sleep she was in when I found her." he thought about it "if we can find him, maybe if we find him we can save her but for now, we should enact your plan on Mr. Joestar" Jojo nodded as he looked at the doctors "think we can do a blood transfusion between that nightmare and the old man?" he smirked "don't mean to brag but I've gotten pretty good at restarting hearts" Star reached into Joseph's chest and starting using it like a stress ball "that's impossible" the doctors were in shock "you could say this entire trip is impossible, only something you'd see in a movie or something" he watched at the two adults started hooking up DIO and Joseph to give the blood back. Joseph looked more like himself as Jotaro stopped Joseph sat up "you fools, all you did was bring I, DIO back from the dead and this time I will kiss your boyfriend" Kakyoin looked sick at that comment and had to stop Jotaro from beating the shit out of the old man "It's me Joseph Joestar my birthday is september 27th 1920 and I collect comic books, My wife is Suzie Q and I collect comic books as a hobby" he tried to get Jotaro to belive him till the use less trivia came into play "who was the lead actress in Tarzan the ape man" "Bo Derek" "and who sang the parody of beat it; eat it" "Weird Al Yankovic" "yep that's Gigi, he's the only guy I know who would know that much useless shit" he sat back down with Kakyoin as they drove first to throw DIO's body into the sun then to the airport to finally go home "well this was the world's worst vacation" Polnareff smiled as they walked to their respective gates, Avdol, Iggy and Polnareff to France while Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin back to Japan, all of them hugging and saying their good byes "come visit soon" Jotaro told them "send us a weddining invite too" his small friend giggled "we will you too and that wedding invite will come sooner than you think you two and we'll expect one to yours"the redhead blushed as bright as his hair "we will and we hope to see you guys soon" they all took one more group photo before they all missed their flights,waving as they all walked down to their gate and boarded._______________________________________________________________________________Back in Japan both Sado and Suzie Q haven't left Holly's side since her health took a turn for the worse when there was a knock at the front door which Rosas answered, revealing a guy in his mid-20s with long red hair, lavender eyes, glasses, he was a tall, slender man dressed in a white shirt, teal jacket, and black pants and shoes. "I'm Ryōji Kakyoin, I've been looking all over Japan for my sibling Anoe and Noriaki, they've been gone for months but I recently got a letter from this Speedwagon Foundation, telling me my siblings would be here soon and that I should ask for a Sado Kujo, is he home right now?" Rosas nodded "come in Mr.Kakyoin" he led the slender male in, showing him to Sadao "so you're related to the young man my son is dating, he seems like a nice guy and they'll do each other some good, they're on their way home would you like to come with me to pick them up?" "may I get filled in on what the hell was goin on please" the older man nodded and explained the entire thing to him as they got ready to go, when Suzie Q stopped them "Holly is better, she's completely over her sickness!" all the men looked at each other "those crazy guys did it they won" "well why are you two just standing here?" Holly asked "and who's this charming young man?" "Ryōji Kakyoin, nice to meet you Mrs.Kujo" he smiled "well your siblings are an interesting but very sweet pair" "thank you, you don't know how much that means" she smiled as they all walked outside the house and enjoyed the quiet drive to the airport to pick up the three who were waiting for them "RYŌJI!" the older redhead was knocked over by his younger brother "are you feelin ok dude?" he pressed his hand against his younger brother's forehead "I'm good just missed you" he hugged him as Ryōji looked for the other twin "hey where's our sister?' he was shocked when his younger brother started sobbing, the older man looked at Jotaro "what happened?" "she's dead, I'm sorry sir" he held his younger brother as tightly as possible, they were the only family the pair had left but they were happy to have each other as they all loaded themselves and their belongings into the car they were finally hope and they were able to relax in the comfort of their own homes with no worry of stand users attacking them.

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