Chapter 18 ==Her relationship with her Brother==

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"Grandfather, Brother is being too mean!"

I whined at Grandfather who's enjoying Tea at the moment, we're here outside again, in the West Wing's forest

Set for Grandfather's hunting place, we're taking a break after hunting 10 deers in total, Grandfather hunted 6 as I hunted the other 4

"What did Francis do?" I know that Grandfather felt that as if I'm relying unto him, but I need to.... He is the one who has a high authority in this family, and I had blessed to be in his good graces, I can't mess this up

"He is pressuring me to choose between the Marquis and the Prince and wants me to stay away from Kian!"I exclaim, even though I hate to hear his flirtatious remarks

But I need him .... He has the biggest information guild in the whole Continent and he is part of the Archduke's men

I need him to find Virgo,

"Ahh! The Young Kid who ruled the Underworld? Dominic's Rival?" Grandfather asked me as I nodded

Dominic, my cousin who is the King of The Underworld.... But Kian is entitled as the God

Many people tend to compare the two, who is much more inferior

Cousin may be Royalty, but Kian has the most Royal Family in the whole continent...the Archduke Priestly

Who's blood is much more Royal than any other Imperial Family in the Continent

I could only nod hysterically in his question as he thought about it "What's wrong of having ties with Kian but shouldn't Francis be misunderstood if you only went and ask help for you Cousin?"Grandfather told me logically as I sigh

"Grandfather, you may be right...but you knew better that Kian is much more inferior than Cousin, wouldn't it be better to have connection with him?"as I said those words Grandfather was please on my plan

"Your not wrong about that, and regarding of your Brother, you need to have his attention divert to something else"He told me as I thought about it

The only thing that Brother was distracted in the Story is the Heroine's appearance,

And the Heroine won't be appeared not until months later ....

"A great advice,but I don't know anything about Brother's likings" I honestly said... The Author didn't revealed much about Brother's likings

He only acted as if he likes something especially that the Heroine is fond of, to get her attention of course...

"I'm pretty sure that you know better about your Brother,Alyssa,knowing your relationship in the past"hearing Grandfather's words my attention then set on him

Did he just say Past?

"Grandfather... I don't remember anything after I nearly died at the lake....can you please elaborate?"I asked him as he thought for a second

"It's best if you forget about it, but-...."

As he said those words I looked at him in confusion...and in shock....

Did I hear it right?!?!


I kept on fidgeting as I kept on bitting my nails, I nervously sat on one of the benches at my garden

What grandfather had told me is still quite a shock for me...

I mean how should I believe his words?

Not even the Author didn't even disclose about that and I heard this now....

So both me and Brother are close when we we're young....

Is this also one of the reasons why Amelia hates Alyssa?

"...Your Brother is overprotective of you, you two have been close since you were young and cares about you, maybe because that you lose your memories that made him feel sad that you don't remember his care for you and he only showed by avoiding the dangerous things and pave a road for your future...."

Grandfather why must you say those words now!!!!!

I'm afraid to see Brother Face to Face now!!!!

So that's why he's following me out that day?

He's worried?

"Alyssa .....what are you doing here?"

As someone familiar said those words,I slowly raise my head and saw Brother with a worried look

And I've been rude to him that day also ...

"Brother..."I couldn't finish my words, he then sighed loudly, he took his coat and place it on me ...

"You should stay in your room, it's cold now and-"

"I've heard from Grandfather about the past" as I said those words he then stopped in his actions

He must've only wanted for it to be there something he had hidden from me that he didn't bother telling me anything at all?

Looking at his troubled expression...I was confuse...

"Did he told you anything else?"he asked me as I shook my head, seeing my actions he then breathed in relief

He is hiding something from me ....

"I see, but it's best for you to never get close to me again and -"

"It's fine.... I'm just only confuse at your rude remarks... I'm sure you've heard about me changing and I don't have any trust with our family at all, I understand..."I said as I stood up from my seat

"I see, just please continue being like that....and don't mind me, I'm still too ashame to face you..."he told me as I was still confuse in his words

Something happened between them? Before Alyssa died?

Is that why everytime I see him, my chest tightens as if it remembered what happened in the past

A feeling of Resentment and Disgust....

If my guess was right....

There's only one word I could say to my brother....

About his personality....

If only I've known this, I wouldn't have went out from my room ....

And I think this is the reason why the Author didn't disclose his personality

It's because his a siscon ....

Francis Jin Silverton is a fxcking siscon! Shxt.... It's only fine if he's doting on Amelia but why to me?

Is there something I need to do?

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