Chapter 3 == A game of Chess==

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"Are you also gonna attend Princess Arabella's 18th birthday Sister?"

I heard Sister Amelia state, as she smiled at me as we ate breakfast just the 3 of us along with father

One of this family's matter how busy you are, you must eat together with your family who is inside the mansion's gates

That's why... Despite Father's busy schedule, he made sure to eat dinner even with only us 3 are present

Mother is in the Western Kingdom because of her business and Brother is at the academy and will be home a month before their 18th birthday

Which is 5 months from now... Before I can utter a word Father replies to Sister's question

"The two of you must attend, cancel all your previous engagements"Father strictly said as he ate his dinner

"We understand Father"

"And make sure to give presents you know how materialistic she is, "He told us as we only nodded

Princess Arabella Charlington.....the psycho princess

She became one of the Villainess' goons because she loves the young Marquis of Letricia

After knowing that he had an interest in the heroine, she couldn't help but be furious and helped the Villainess in her schemes

What made her lucky is that she wasn't punished severely for her crimes because the Male lead had pitied her

But she was banished from the kingdom and never stepped foot in the eastern kingdom ever again

But one thing I'm gonna do... Is to buy a present for her...

Present for the Princess

After I ate breakfast, I stood up and bowed at my two family members who were indulging in their conversation "May I excuse myself first?"I ask Father waiting for his approval

"Yes you can, Alyssa"

Hearing his words...I bid my goodbyes to the two as I went back to my room. To prepare myself

To go out to the capital...

To buy some present for that psycho princess...

Walking out in the same door that I got out last week ago

Especially since those investigators followed my hint and captured those illegal slave traders

It was announced 3 days ago and the Emperor is not happy about it, who would be happy when your illegal business was captured?

That's right.....the mastermind of that deal was the Emperor himself. He wanted to kidnap orphan kids and enslave them for his desires

"Come one come all! If you can defeat this young man in a game of chess, you will be rewarded handsomely"

I stopped in my tracks as I turned to look and saw the townspeople gathered in a certain place

I slowly walked into that place as I saw another person being defeated by the cloaked man

I raised my brow as I smiled lightly....wearing my hat that covers my face and hair

"Who will challenge him next?" The host asked again, as I smiled and stepped forward "Ooh....a young lady had stepped forward!" the host added as I sat in front of the man

"Do you know the rules, young lady?" The host asked me "Just the basics, but who knows"I responded as the host only nodded

"Let the game begin"

"You can move first, miss" I raised my right brow hearing the deep voice of my opponent....considering the voice, it seemed that he wasn't that much older than me

I first moved the pawn, which was in front of the king and he did the same.

And I could feel that everyone was quite shocked..... because, in this world, women can't play chess

Not even my sister who's known as a prodigy nor my mother....not even the empress nor the archduchess, because they believed that they didn't have any opportunities to play it so they didn't bother to learn

Unlike me....who knew how to play chess even before I died and reincarnated into this place

It was a heavy match, and this man was in spar with my friends back on Earth, not enough to defeat me

"Checkmate" I stated as I moved queen in front of the king while being supported by the bishop

"Well....we have a winner!!!" Everyone was beyond shock. I quickly went down on stage and went to a distant place with the host

"Here's your reward-"

"Instead of money you have some moonstones?"I asked the host "Moonstones? Of course, how many do you want?" he asked me

"5 stones, if possible....make the sizes different" I requested as the host nodded and went inside their storage

"I thought you only knew the basics"

Someone suddenly said, I turned to look and saw my opponent from before "It's just luck, young sir" I told him

"You are the first one, other than my father to defeat me in chess," he told me as I smiled lightly

"What an honor, I guess"

He went quiet for a moment as he slowly removed his cloak. I raise my right brow to see how handsome this smartass is

"I'm Killian, and please drop the formalities," he told me as I chuckled lightly

"I see....even if I Don't remove my hat, you must've already know who I am, am I right Killian?"I stated as he gave me a smile

"You're nothing like the"

"Here's your stones miss....if you interested-"

"I better go...I have an event to attend tomorrow"I cut off the host as I bid my goodbyes to them quickly and went to do my work


A name that doesn't exist in the book....for short, he's just a nameless extra but his aura and demeanor are abnormal

He's not just someone...

He must be someone important...

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