Chapter 22 ==Direct Proposal?==

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"I've heard about your achievement in the West, Grandduchess"

I could only listen to their rambles as I ate my dinner, taking glances at the young king, the King who ruled the country at the mere age of 20 because of the death of his father,

He's a King who had no queen, rumours has it that the King is gay because he doesn't want to be apart away from his Secretary, who's sitting beside him right now

The secretary who had the same age as him,

An Extra who doesn't have enough screen time because Author planned it that way,

"Ah Yes, I'm just lucky that the Westerners happily accepted my proposals"Mother humbly responded when she herself know it's because she's the Daughter-in law of their beloved Prince, Grand father

"Is Marcus gonna be attending Lady Amelia's and Young Master Francis' birthday?"His Highness asked, as he then turn to look at my direction but immediately turn away after seeing that I'm staring at him

"Yes, Marcus will be arriving Next Week, I heard that you two are good friends"Father responded as his highness could only nod

Marcus, is the 2nd Prince and my cousin who had let go of the heroine in the story, I'm sure that I've already told everyone that .

It seems that he's visiting earlier than expected because in the original version, he arrived at 11 pm, Alyssa had already died so she couldn't meet him even once

"It's been so long since I've last visited your estates Grandduke, was it 10 years ago?"His Highness stated,having a leisure talk with my parents along with my siblings

"It has been a long time it is, I could still vividly remember how you often babysit Francis"Mother said as she remembered something in the past

A Past that I can't know because Alyssa's original Memories are wiped out, the only thing I have known about her is her little description in the book

"Alyssa, I've talked with Allen yesterday and told me that he wanted for your hand in Marriage"Brother suddenly stated as I could only glare at him

"But isn't the Young Lady engaged to the Prince Ben?"his highness asked us, "Their engagement have been annulled a few months back and ever since then that the Young Marquis started Courting with her and has been asking her hand in marriage" Father explained as the King could only nod

"So the Young Lady doesn't have anyone with her now?"His Highness' secretary, Simon stated

"Yup, and it won't be too long for her to become the Marchioness"Sister Elegantly and excitedly say,that it became obvious to everyone

I won't believe it that none of the family knew about Sister's feelings about his Highness,

They've must've been took a blind eye for it when Alyssa Died at the Lake,

They've must thought that she's fine, not knowing that she is no longer alive, and an another entered her soul

Someone, who everyone should fear....

"Are you even sure that Lady Alyssa shall accept the Marquis' proposal Lady Amelia?"Simon asked sister who had a face that her thoughts are sure

"Yes of course, there's no other man who's suitable for my dear sister other than the Marquis"Sister Amelia fakely said as she then gave me a smile making me fakely puke

"You don't know that there's someone suitable nearby" as I heard the secretary's words, I choked on my own saliva as I saw Simon then looked at his highness who had a shy look

What the hell is going on?!?!

Taking a glance at Father who had a suspicious look at the two guests, did he found out about something?

I doubt that everyone in the family didn't catched on the meaning of the Secretary's words

Seriously....what are they thinking?

Because of Simon's words that the air started to feel uncomfortable....

Before one can utter a word-

"Excuse me for disturbing, but the Empress' Lady-in-waiting is requesting for an audience with the Grandduchess and Lady Alyssa, your presence is requested by your grandfather" a maid stated as I took a breath in relief knowing that I've escaped this uncomfortable atmosphere

"I see, I'll be there in a minute"Mother responded as she then excuse herself from everyone before walking towards the living room

After I finished eating, I also stood up and looked at everyone "I must also excuse myself, Grandfather requested my presence"I stated as I waited for Father's approval before going towards grandfather's home

I don't know what he wants but I must say that he saved me from that sophisticated and uncomfortable room

It's obvious that Simon's words indicates that a suitable partner for me is His Highness,

Did Alyssa also had him hooked for her?!?!

I must say that her charms are no joke....

But anyways, I can accept whatever Grandfather wants me to do because he helped me escape that room

I must really plan my escape route in Sister's birthday in the next few weeks,

Because there's 70% chance that the King would ask for my hand in marriage,

I must ran away, before that happened....

And if I can do that, I must take a visit to that perverted Underworld Leader, Kian or Killian,

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