Chapter 20 ==The King==

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Ellie, you can see my memories right?"

I asked Ellie who's busy dressing me up because Mother will arrive today, I want to know what happened between Brother and the Past Alyssa

"Yes I can, but if it's about the Young Master Francis.... I'm afraid that I can't tell you anything regarding on that matter"she explained to me as I pouted

"Is it that terrible that you're not obligated to tell me?"I ask her as she nodded

"The Former Grandduke, makes sure that you're not allowed to know what happened between you and your brother" she told me as I sighed

"I see, if it's Grandfather who wanted to have the past be sealed, then I won't have any comment about it... But I'm sure you know, how I'm curious about it, why Brother is making distance from me"I told her as she the  patted my head

"My lady, you'll only be hurt if you know, so just let the past be past and go to the entrance to meet your mother"Ellie told me as she hold both my hands and let me stood up, face to face to her

Seeing her with a smile, a smile so brightly....

Couldn't help but smile also,

"I understand, I can survive Mother's coldness right?"I proclaim as she nodded at me, giving a light peck at my forehead

Then all of the sudden, it gave me strength and confidence,

As expected, Ellie is a zodiac, but which one?




I'm naming any zodiac as long as it's a girl, did Grandmother let the Zodiacs in loose?

And Grandfather had let a zodiac take care of me?

"My lady, it seems that Lady Amelia had waited for your mother outside now" Ellie told me, probably had sense Sister's footsteps

I promise myself that I'll live in a normal and quite life in this life, noone might not know this but I did....when I discovered that I'm just an extra in this story

I wanted to remind myself not to have hasty actions and decisions, I want to remind myself that I shouldn't interfere the story's plot

Reminding myself I'm just an extra ....

But would I be contented to live as one till I die?

Till the story ends?

As I walked in the hallways of the mansion, looking at everyone in my family, one is the villainess of the story while the other is a male lead,

Each of them have a role, but why did the Author made Alyssa an extra?

She's already an outcast and yet the author even made her character even more miserable by letting her die

But would everything change if the Author made Alyssa the female lead? Not Catherine? Who just waltz into the picture who's somehow similar to Alyssa and grabbed everyone's attention

"Should I just run away?"I mumbled as I walked in the hallways walking towards outside, where should we meet mother

"Your last today as well sister" as expected,Amelia would just throw me ridiculous remarks at me, she must've thought that the secret letter sent to me the other day is from the Prince

Tomorrow, I'll meet the Marchioness.... I'll meet her and finally be able to see her appearance and know what she wants

As we waited for mother, a carraige then had arrived,

It seems mother had arrived

I thought but when all of the sudden, an another carraige followed her also, I slightly turned to look and saw that everyone's not faze about it

The carraige whom we guessed that mother is inside, stopped Infront of us...

I slightly turn to see that every maid started to bow down 90° as the carraige door opened, only to reveal my mother...

Who's still so beautiful as ever,as if that she didn't age....

"Welcome Back Grandduchess"every maid greeted as I could see that Mother gave them a slight nod before the maid then stood up straightly and went back inside, leaving the family outside for talks

"Edward... how's the house?" Mother asked father who showed as always a poker face, it's quite known that Father's weakness is mother herself

No matter how strong he is but mother will always be stronger, "Welcome back Darling, hope that you had a safe trip"Father said as Mother smiled lightly

"It's fantastic Dear, how about you my dear son? Did you still rank first in the academy?"Mother asked brother, forgetting that brother had finished his last exams and is getting ready to be graduate

Just went home because of his birthday

"Yes mother, it's such a pity that my reign had to end here because I'm graduating"brother acted as mother smiled and patted his head, and walked towards Sister

"Amelia, did you eat well? Not dieting?" Mother asked her, looking at her complexion, sister could only bit her lips

Knowing she's been dieting to have a small and ideal waist, or also known as small as my waist,

"Umm...Welcome back mother"she tried to divert mother's question away from her, giving mother a smile

But nevertheless, she knows that she's been dieting, she has eyes anywhere in this house....she has someone looking in each and everyone of us

She walked towards me as I gave her a bow "Welcome back mother" I greeted as mother gave me a poker face, scanning me from head to toe

"How's father?"she ask, as I looked at her intensely, "He's been healthy since I have myself to take care of him"I stated as she nodded

"Good, there's bound to be a single Silverton who's close to Father, so I hope that you'll keep that up until his last breath"she told me as I nodded

"Understood"I said,

I think that I'll die first rather grandfather

"Mother, who's carraige is that?"Sister Amelia asked, looking at the carraige that's been stopping and didn't make any sound behind mother's carraige

"Oh! It's our guest" mother said as she walked towards it, talking to someone in the window...

Before the door was opened...

"It seems that the King has visited earlier than expected"Father stated looking at the carraige

The King?

His highness Frederick Stirlingshire, shouldn't he arrived next week?

Why is he here, earlier....than expected...

"Everyone, give his highness a warm welcome in the house"Mother said as I walked to see clearly and my gaze darken seeing the person

"Good day to you everyone, I hope that me visiting earlier than expected isn't a bother"he said with a smiling face, taken a glimpse in my direction

Earlier than expected my ass, he's been in here for a few months!!!

"Not at all your highness, we're just welcome that you came"Father remarked as I bit my lip...

Did I just dug on my own grave?

The man who's been constantly saving me in a dark and secluded alley is the King!


What did I just got myself into?

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