Chapter 21 ==3 Zodiacs==

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"Welcome Lady Alyssa to my humble home"

Seeing the Marchioness greeting me as soon as I entered the living room of her house, seeing her complexion made me think twice whether she's a widow or not

Is this a special trait in this world?

A trait that the more older your age is, the more younger your face is?

Because if it is, a lot of people would want to live here,

"I'm grateful that the Marchioness invited me" I told her with a capitalistic smile

A smile that's only for business

"Have a seat, Lady Alyssa" she told me as I took a seat and look around her house,

It was neatly organise, but the same as grandfather,she doesn't have lots of maid

But had lots of room...

"Aren't you feeling lonely in your home ever since the Marquis had died?"I ask her, as she gave me a smile

Other's may think that I'm being rude on asking about her late husband, but rumours about her that she doesn't care about people asking about it

Does she not love the Late Marquis?

"Ah, My Husband? It's been so long...but I'm afraid that other's may think differently when I decided to show on public, you know that lots of men wanted to marry me for my position not for my love" she uttered as I nodded

"Figured, people tend to think on their own way not listening on the victim's point of view"I stated and took a sip of my tea

"But...I wonder why the Marchioness invited me to a private tea party, if other nobles know about this they'll be jealous for sure" I added taking a soft glance at the Marchioness who's giving me a small smile

Marchioness Viridian is the Best Friend of the VP of Moonlight, I've finally confirm it seeing the pictures of the two of them that was displayed in the hallways when I got inside

There are tons of rumours that Miss Sylvia came and visited the Marchioness which she doesn't do

But that's all are rumours, but others believed that the Rumour is real and tried to have a connection with her but sadly, ever since the Marquis died...the Marchioness have not been going out to socialize

Other than the imperial ball, she doesn't go out.... And people say that she had an unapproachable aura

But no doubt that this widowed woman, is one of the most powerful woman in the empire, knowing how Father wanted to form a connection with her

"Hmm...Because I'm curious on your true personality? The Former Grandduke has been boasting with you for some quite time now and that made me curious" as I heard her words, I froze in my spot this is the reason why Father wanted to form a connection with her? It's because she's one of Grandfather's vassal?!?!

"Grandfather?! Are you close?" It's best to be naive so that I can hear her say those words that she's Grandfather's vassal herself

"Ah yes, actually... I'm your Grandmother's student" I flinch in my place, hearing her the name that I didn't expect,


"I've been grateful to the late Grandduchess that's why I've been in touch with the former Grandduke and became one of his vassals" she said...

She must've known grandmother's appearance, if I play my cards right, I might able to find something useful of her

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