#20 Emotional Bug

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Cameron's POV

*BEEP* "Hiyya! The number you just called cannot be reached right now! If you're a fan, DELETE MY NUMBER RIGHT NOW! If you're one of the boys, I'm safe alright. If you're one of the girls, I'm safe..... Bye bye now!" *BEEP*

I called Jesse's phone number plenty of times but she didn't answer.

It just went straight to her voicemail. Urgh where could she be!?

Hold on, I could call Mary. I dialed her number, then put my phone by my ear lobe.

"Hello?" Mary said.

"Hello? Mary?"

"Oh hey Cameron."

"Hey. Have you seen Jesse? Is she at your place?"

"No.... How come? Did you two get into a fight!?" She yelled, making me pull back my phone.

"Let me explain......" I explain everything to her. She kept quiet on the other line.

I guess she's sinking all the information in.

"Well... I'll keep an eye out for her Cam. Bye.."

"Bye Mary." I ended the call, then sighed.

Where are you Jesse?

Jesse's POV

"AHHHH! Alex stop it!" I yelled, standing on the couch.

"No! Give me that chicken tender!" He yelled, reaching for me.

I pulled the box of chicken tenders back.

"NO! Back away from the queen of laziness!" I yelled.

"No! Pwease give m-"

"Could you guys stop? It's so annoying. I'm trying to read here.." Adam mumbled.

I pouted, sitting next to Adam.

"You're no fun." I looked at the book cover he was ready.

The title was "The Fault In Our Stars".

"Oh my god! Best book ever! So like her boyfriend actually die-"

"Shut up! Don't ruin the story!" He whined/yelled. I put my hands up in the air, stepping back.

I saw Alex sitting there, eating the last 4 chicken tenders. "Ugh! Fatass!" I whispered/yelled.

"Shut up." He said. I just laughed, he reminded me so much of Hayes.

"You know, the kid has like bookshelves of books all over his room." He whispered in my ear. I just giggled.

Soon Dylan appeared in the living room. "Heyya Dylan! So when do I get to get out of this hell house?"

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying here. I want Cameron to suffer." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I want Cameron to suffer. I want him to feel the pain I felt when he took you away from me." I mimic, annoyed.

"And I'm the fabulous Jesse, who knows everything." Dylan mimics back. I started giggling.

"What's so funny?" He asked. Then I felt a stingy feeling in my eye.

Tears started falling down.

"What's going on....?" Adam asked, as he placed his book on the arm rest.

All three of them started coming closer to me. Then my blood started to boil.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" I yelled, running to my room.

"Jesse!" Dylan yelled.

Dylan's POV

After Jesse ran upstairs, Adam, Alex, and I were confused on why Jesse was giggling, crying, and last but not least yelling, well.... more like mad.

"Dude, What the heck was that?" Alex asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know."

"Well... She did have mix emotions. I mean..." Adam trailed off, rubbing his chin. That's his thinking position.

"Ouuu! What if an emotional bug bit her and then she started acting all crazy! And..... and then it becomes contagious and everyone gets it!?" Alex exclaimed.

Me and Adam's head shot up at him. We stared at him, like he grew another head.

Wait, Alex is getting somewhere. Jesse was giggling, then crying, then yelling at us.

Then it hit me. I mentally slap my head, why couldn't I thought of that!?

Then Adam slapped Alex's head, "ow! Dude what was that for!?" He yelled, rubbing his head.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Guys! She's on her......" I gulp.

"Period..." I whispered, only loud enough for them 2 to hear.

I saw their Adam Apple slowly move down, then move back to its regular place.

I heard the saliva in their throat squishing together as they gulp.

"Oh shit..." Adam whispered under his breath.

"No shit.." Alex whispered.

"Guys, what are we gon-"

"DYLAN! ADAM! ALEX!!" Jesse yelled from upstairs.

Day one of hell starts now....


Author's note;
Man. I'm on my fucking period and it fucking hurts like hell! 😭😭😭💢 I JUST WANNA DIE! THESE FUCKING CRAMP ARE KILLING ME!? You know what the best part is? Everytime I do something, I randomly laugh, cry, or yell.

Even in love, sad, heart breaking movies! And books I read on WATTPAD!? Anyways...




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