#24 Sentimental Time

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Jesse's POV

There stood a horrible looking Cameron Alexander Dallas.

He looked so terrible. He had black bags under his eyes.

He had red-like lightening strikes on the edges of his eyeballs. It was like he hasn't slept in days.

His eyes lost that beautiful chocolate color. It now looked so dull. It made me cringe.

His shoulders were no longer broad, muscular like. It was now so slump and scrawny.

He looked so unhealthy. Did he eat?

He didn't look like the Cameron I feel in love with months ago.

He looked so different. What happened to the Cameron I met years ago?

"Jesse?" Cameron's voice cracked. My heart broke just hearing his dead-like voice.

"Yea.. It's me.." I walked closer and then moved my hand up to cup his cheek.

His hand made its way up to hold my wrist that was holding his cheek.

I looked into his eyes and they started become the beautiful chocolate color again. I smiled.

I looked down to his soft, plump lips. I wanted to kiss them so badly. But could I? I hesitated at first.

Then smashed my lips to his. I started kissing him like it was last time I'll ever kiss him again.

He kissed back immediately, holding me by the waist.

I kissed him with so much love and passion. One thing that I'll never forget was the sparks and fireworks I felt deep in my veins.

Our kiss was full of hunger, desperation, passion, and lastly, love. So much love. It was lost love.

But now we've found each other.

"Cam who's at the do - J-Jesse..." Matt and Sky walked in, holding hands.

Me and Cameron finally pulled away. I turned to face Matt and Sky.

Both of their eyes started to water until they ran to me, hugging the life out of me.

"Okay okay! I missed you guys too!" I yelled, hugging them tighter, if that was even possible.

"O-oh my god Jesse is that r-really you!?" Sky sobbed.

"Yes.. I-it's me.." Tears started to form my eyes as I see everyone coming into the living, looking to see what's going on.

"Oh my god! JESSE!!" Taylor ran fast and hugged me, pulling me up in the air. I squealed, giggling.

"Oh I missed that giggle of yours!" Taylor exclaimed. I giggled even more.

"That giggle is music to my ears." Shawn said.

I turned to him. "Shawn!!!" I ran into his already open arms.

I wrapped my arms around his rib cage.

Now this time, plenty of tears fell down my face.

Shawn started stroking my hair, "I miss you too babygirl.." He whispered in my ear.

I pulled him closer to me, impossible right? Well wasn't for me.

I quickly pulled away, wiping the tears away from me.

"Jesse.." I turned to see Andrea, Mahogany, and the girls looking at me with sad eyes.

My eyes soften. "Girls..." I bursted out crying again.

I opened my arms and they all started coming towards me.

"I miss you so much!!" They all yelled.

"I miss you guys too!" I said, out of breath.

"JESSE!!!!" I heard a mixture of 5 voices.

Kian, Jc, Connor, Trevor, Ricky, & Sam ran to me. I quickly open my arms.


"WE ALL MISSED YOU!! GOD I WAS SO WORRIED!" Jc yelled. I just laughed.

"Okay enough with the sentimental time. Let's get down to business." I chuckled.

They all nodded. And we started catching up on the passed 2 weeks.


Author's note;
Yay! So I updated once again! I hope you guys are happy with this. I'm out of ideas right now.. So you might have to wait until I get an idea again and start typing again a'ight? A'ight. 😁 next chapter will not be coming up soon.. Well Idk but,




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