Types of dates with the boys

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Takes you on a nice romantic date in windrise.
Preferably at night, when the crystal flies are glowing. You braid his hair when he lets you.

The tavern would mostly be the first choice, Diluc would lecture him for bringing you to such a riled up place at night. A lot of firsts happened there.

He would make you WALK with him all the way to Liyue harbor. It wasn't exactly a date- but you had fun meeting all the little creatures on the way there. You met with Zhongli and chatted with eachother as venti showed you off.


I quiet lab date in dragonspine. He would cook for you and somehow you convinced him to sing for you. He attempted to in hopes to impress you, but immediately went silent the moment you giggled. He felt foolish and bluntly ignored you for a few minutes afterwards.


He'd probably flex his riches by buying you things like kites, perfume, food, etc. Eventually you two had a deep conversation about family and it was honestly very wholesome.


For dates with Zhongli, you would go to empty glaze Lilly fields and he would try and teach you how to sing to them. Zhongli lectured paimon for wanting to pick and sell the glaze Lillies. You thought it was funny.


You two would sit in his room and he would describe what his life would be like if he only had books and you by his side. "Oh how wonderful life would be if I had only two of my most loved things to worry about."


Sometimes he took you up a mountain and he showed you his "exorcist training poses" (basically awkward yoga). He'd include you sometimes too. After that you'd walk with him back to Xianglings restraint and get popsicles that tasted like water.


A lot of almond tofu bribes took place before you could actually schedule a date. Then when he agreed to eat formally with you, he decided he wasn't hungry. He complained about the food and then vanished. You called his name for an hour before going home.


You went around inuzuma collecting/saving all the stray cats and dogs and taking them to shelters. Then you hung out in your teapot and explained what life is like being a traveler and if he perhaps wanted to join you.


He stalks you and gives you food and presents, never an actual date though.


Takes you to the best ramen shop in inuzuma. You end up paying and almost getting caught by the inuzuma guards later in the night.
*bonus* Sometimes goes Beetle hunting at four am with you lol


Hunting practice..? Razor attempted to teach you how to kill animals using your hands. In return- you gave him a brush and tried to teach him how to cut his hair. (Not with the brush)


He showed up with some burnt flowers at your door, smiling ever so brightly. You invited him in and you cooked together. (Going outside would've been far too dangerous for the both of you based on his story quests)

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