A/N + Dream Series- Kazuha

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This is a new dream thing I'm trying out. The characters have sweet dreams about Y/n. Then they get abruptly woken up by some other nuisance.

Kazuha blinked furiously, unsure how to respond to the surprise kiss the traveler had planted on his lips.
For the few seconds that it had lasted for, he took in the sight and feeling of their lips and upper face. With a small pop their lips parted and Y/n pulled back, a soft pink tinting their cheeks. Kazuha stared into the e/c ones as he attempted to speak. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Not a word.
Yet Y/n blushed darker as if he had just said the smoothest thing in the world. Their mouth moved like they was responding to his sentence, but no sound reached his ears. Kazuha sighed an inaudible sigh and closed his eyes. Words finally escaped his lips.

"What is this.. a dream?"

Kazuha awoke to the sound of captain Beidou's yelling. The walking alarm clock banged on pots and pans to get the crew up each morning, today Kazuha wished she hadn't for once. Under his breathe he cursed.

"Of course it was."

He pulled his pillow over his face and collapsed onto his back onto the bed. He rolled around so the blanket wrapped him up like a cocoon. Groggy and sad that his dream ended so quickly, he snuggled back into his bedsheets more and closed his eyes.

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