Kissing them

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Feels the need to kiss you every time you two are somewhere scenic, like late at night in the tavern or at a sunset. Even if it's cliche, he still likes the romantic feel.
Very passionate on the lips or butterfly kisses all over your neck. Diluc holds your hands or your wrists when you kiss.


Likes to roam all over your body— latches onto whatever skin he feels like. Sweet pecks, all over. Kaeya can be be gentle one moment and rough the next, he might drag you off to the side of the favonius headquarters for some alone time.


Venti picks you up by your waist and nuzzles his face into your stomach, twirls you around, giggles, then does his little gentleman bow and kisses your hand. He knows it's embarrassing for you so he loves doing it to see you flush red.


Albedo sometimes corners you in his alchemy lab, sits you up on a table so you can wrap your legs around his waist. You like to grab his face and pull him in so you both end up on the table, but with Albedo on top of you.


If you ever work up enough confidence to kiss him, he'll tease you about it until day's end. When you say something like, "fine, if that's how you're going to be about it- I just won't do it anymore..", Childe will low key panic and apologize and beg you to do it again.


Only makes bold moves in secluded areas such as alleyways or at home. However, if you push him over the edge.. make him unbearably jealous- he will cuss out anyone around and drag you off to your doom. He'll demonstrate just how much you "supposedly" teased him.


You like to surprise Xingqui with small pecks on the lips, or on the back of his neck. You come up behind him and lick his nape just to fluster him. Then he just looks down and doesn't speak for a while.

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