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I couldn't sleep much last night. Too many things to think about I guess. Tobias, my apartment, my job! I am definitely being a Initiate instructor but that's only one month a year so I have to choose other job as well.

I would like to be a tattoo artist and then I could talk to Tori. Or in the control room so I could be with Tobias. Although it seems pretty boring just to look at a computer screen all day. Security force could be interesting.

I rub my eyes, my eyes adjusting to the dark. It must be early because no one else is awake. I slowly get out of bed and stretch. We choose jobs at 9:00.

I pull on some black jeans and a tight tank top as well as a jacket and combat boots. I run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to smooth it out.

I slip out of the dormitories and make my way to the top of the dauntless compound.

The sun peaks over the horizon. I just stand there, watching, thinking.

I'm not sure how long I've been there but the sun is now almost over the horizon.
A pair of cold hands grab my waist and I turn my head to see no other than Tobias.

"What a pleasant surprise." I say while smiling.

"Someone's up early ." He croaks.

I turn my whole body around so we are facing each other. I stare at his stunning blue eyes for a moment then smash my lips into his. My hands run through his short hair.

When we part, we sit on the ledge so our feet hang over the edge.

"So." Tobias starts. "What do you think you are going to choose?"

"Um, I'm still not sure. Maybe city security force would be fun. But I would legit have no one. I was also thinking a tattoo artist or in the control room with you."

"It's up to you Tris. Don't just choose the control room because I'm in there."

I lace my fingers with his a give him a slight peck on the cheek. I glance at his watch.

"7:48" I say "Want to go get some breakfast?"

"I actually have to go talk to Eric and Lauren about the initiates at 8:00. You go. I'll see you before you choose your job okay?"

"Mhm" I kiss him once more before we both get up. We walk to the cafeteria, his fingers laced in mine.
I spot Christina who is sitting with Will, Uriah, Lynn and Marlene. She must've made friends with them.

Tobias kisses me on the cheek before heading off in the opposite direction. I walk over to get a muffin and a glass of juice.
I slide in beside Christina and place my juice in the table. Uriah gives me a disgusted look.

My heart races. Did I do something wrong? A million different scenarios race through my mind.

"Why the hell did you get apple juice when there was orange juice right next to it!" He spits.
I'm relived. Of course he's upset because of my juice choice.

"I don't like orange juice Uriah. Got a problem?"

He lets out a dramatic gasp. "What did you just say!?"

"Uriah. I don't like orange juice."

"You better take that back right now!"

I giggle and roll my eyes. A take a apple off Christina's plate and throw it at him. It hits him square in the chest.

"Hey I was going to eat that!" Christina cries.

"No one's saying you still can't." I giggle.

Uriah is about to throw it back when I head tapping on the microphone. Everyone turns their heads and I see Eric on the platform above the cafeteria with Tobias and Lauren standing on either side of him. It must be 9:00.

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