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I wake with a start at the sound of Tobias' alarm clock.

Ah yes. 5:00am.

"Make that stupid thing shut up!" I groan, taking the pillow from under my head and folding it so it covers my ears.

"Be grateful you don't have the night shift." Tobias yawns.

"If I had the night shift I would be able sleep in." I roll over and shut my eyes.

"Don't go back to sleep." He sighs and I can feel the mattress shift as he , well I think, sits up. "I won't have the heart to wake you back up."

"Good." I manage to get out, already mostly asleep. The bed creaks as Tobias get up. "Don't."

"Too late." He flicks on the lights.

"AH! STOP!" I chuck a pillow at him. Well attempt to. I was too busy covering my eyes with my pillow to where I was throwing.

"Don't make me drag you out of bed." I slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the lighting. He groans as he stretches his toned arms. "Fucking hell. I sound like I'm talking to a child." He says under his breath and pulls on a clean shirt.

"Because I am a child you pedo!"

"16 isn't a child." He slips on some socks and a pair of sneakers.

"I'm still a minor and you're an adult!"

"I'm going to see if they'd started making breakfast yet. Be dressed when I get back." He walks over and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah whatever." I sit up and pull the blankets up closer to my chin to protect my pale body from the early morning chill.

"I mean it!" He calls before walking out the door.

"Ugh." I whine before making the tough decision to actually get out of bed.

Guys have it so easy. All they have to do is put on a shirt and they're good to go face the world.
I mean except for the fact he will have to change into the standard uniform when he gets back.


I wrap my jacket closer around myself to try and block out the wind while me, Tobias, Lynn and about 7 others wait for the train.

We are the lucky crew who get to be on the Factionless sector. At least it's only for 2 weeks. And at least we aren't guarding the fence.

Our group is stationed right in the middle of Factionless buildings.

Tobias is chatting to another man in the same uniform as us, maybe 1 or 2 years older than him.

Lynn clears her throat. "Marlene and Uriah need to stop messing around and just get together already."

Slightly random. But okay.

"Where did that come from?" I question.

"She's my best friend. And I can't stop thinking about it. It's quite annoying really."

"I guess. They'd be really cute together too. Marlene is probably just waiting for Uriah to do something about it."

"Uriah is just shy."

"Uriah? Shy?" I gasp sarcastically.

"If there's one thing he would be shy about, it would be about Marlene."

"It would be weird though. They've known each other their whole lives."

"I guess."

"They could be together already you know."

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