Scared, Stiff?

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I open my eyes slowly. The sun beams through the windows.
I remember last night. I remember that Tobias' arm is wrapped around me.

I smile and shut my eyes again, savouring the moment.
I glance at his watch, looking at the time. 10:07. It doesn't really matter what time it is because I don't start work for another 2 days.

"Morning beautiful." A croaky voice says from behind me. I turn over so that I'm facing him. He opens his eyes and I stare at them for a second. They are so gorgeous.

I quickly kiss him on the cheek and wiggle out of bed.

"Where are you going in a hurry."

"No where. The day has started and I want to enjoy it."

He tosses the covers off himself, yawning before stepping onto smooth wooden floor. He kisses me from behind then places his chin on top of my head.

"I'm assuming you don't have any clothes to wear?" He questions

"No not really. Only the ones from last night."

"Mk I'll go get you some." He kisses the top of my head and goes to grab a shirt. He pull it on and slips on some sneakers.
"Where are your keys?" Shit.

"Uh, they could be in my jeans pocket?" He walks into the bathroom and walks out a few seconds later, dangling the keys out to show me.

"What do you plan on wearing?" I don't have many clothes. Me and Christina went shopping yesterday but only bought things for the party. I'll have to get some today when we go again.

"Just some shorts and a shirt?" It really doesn't matter, but I appreciate that he cares.

He slips on a new, black shirt and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'll see you in five okay?"

When he shuts the door I walk into the bathroom to wash my face and comb my hair with my fingers.

I hear knocking on the door. "That was fast." I think.

I open the door and much to my surprise I see Zeke.

"Hey F- oh hi Tris! Is Four home?"

"He just left to get something from my apartment he should be back in a second if you want to stick around? Or I can pass a message?"

"Can I come in? How long do you think he will be?" He seems nervous?

"Uh yeah, of course."

I open the door further and he walks in and sits at the table.
"Four should only be a few minutes."
Just then the door opens. Good timing.

"Hey Tris is this al- oh hi Zeke. What are you here for?"

"It's kind of important." Tobias sits down at the table too.

"Um I'll just go and get changed?" Remembering I'm still in the same clothes that I slept in.

"Oh yeah sorry." He hands me my clothes and I head over to the bathroom. Tobias seems nervous now too. I can't imagine what it could be about.

He brought over a pair of denim shorts, a plain t shirt and some socks and vans all black of course. He's so thoughtful.
I smile to myself and pull on the clothes.

I unlock the door and walk out.
"I'll talk to him later today."

"I'm sorry Four. I'll see you at lunch?"
"It's fine really. I'll be at lunch in an hour." Zeke gives Tobias a weak smile and walks out.

I come up from behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.
"What was all that about?" I ask
"Let's go for a walk and I'll tell you about it?"
"Yeah ok." I lace up my shoes and wrap my hands around his arm in an attempt to make him feel better.

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