Chapter 19

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New Home?

*April's P.O.V*

"April, you okay?" Blake asked and I nodded.

"You've been acting .. weird, since you got back from Noah's place," he stated.

"Nothing Blake, I'm fine," I sighed. True to that I've been acting weird.

Suddenly we stopped and I stare at the gates upon us. It was opened and we got in.

"Hand over your weapons," a man said.

"We don't know if we're staying yet," Rick replied.

"You all need to meet Deanna," the puke is she?

"She's the leader of Alexandria," oh.

One by one went to get interview by her, then it was my turn.

"Hi, what's your name?" she asked.

"April, April Dixon," I answered sitting down.

"Is Daryl and Ella your siblings?" she questioned.

"Yeah, Daryl is my older brother, Ella is my twin," I replied casually.

"So April, why won't you tell me your story," she smiled.

I look at the ground, "Well it all started on my twelve birthday, me and Ella already thought it was odd," I began.

"Then we heard from the news that there's a zombie apocalypse, I saw our dad getting eaten by walkers, then my best friend Blake and his older brother came to pick me and Ella," I continued.

"Not long Trevor died, then we got into a car crash, we found the group, they took us in and I found my older brothers again,"

"Wait, brothers?" she questioned.

"Yeah, Merle," I said, "Daryl and Ella didn't mention him, are they?"

She nodded, "So um yeah there's an enemy and he killed Merle, he turned into a walker and Daryl killed him," I continued.

"The prison broke down and we got separated but eventually we meet again," I sighed.

"Just two days ago, I just saw a man died in front of me, he was a nice person," I stopped.

"I could've save him, we were at the same house, I could save him and-," I exhale deeply.

"And that's all," I finished.

She stays silent, "It's not finish yet, what happened?" she asked.

I pursed my lips, "And then I changed, I fought my own sister," I finally said.

She nodded, "How do you feel right now?" she questioned.

I shrugged, "I don't know," I muttered.

"Well okay April, you may go now," I nodded as I went out of the house.

I walked toward Rick, "We're staying in one house, just incase," he said.

I nodded as I went inside. Carol came and gave me new clothes, I thanked her.

"Gosh I miss shower," I mumbled as I went inside the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and the cold water hits me, I smiled as I finally felt clean. I spotted a towel and I wrapped it around me.

The new clothes are nice, but it was too, homely. I mean, it's more comfortable to use at home, and I like clothes that are comfortable for fight.

Doesn't mean that I want to fight.

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