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( don't hate me if you don't like it)

"Joon I'm home oh! no it's literally 2 a.m. and you still watching his video"yoongi said taking off his shoe.
"Hyung look at him he is getting more handsome day by day but why are you late today"joon said pausing the video and looking at his hyung.
"I forget the time did you eat"Yoongi said while taking off his coat "what are wearing where is your pants?" Yoongi yelled looking at his brother without pants.
"Under the shirt hyung you're overreacting".joon said lifting his shirt and showing him while looking at the video not at the yoongi.
"Why don't you wear something good you're looking nude below your waist"yoongi said in disbelief.
"Hyung please I'm comfortable and I'm in home right now I'm going sleep food is in freeze"joon said with anger while going to his room.
"If you're going wear something weird in the morning I'm sure I'll get your wardrobe in fire"yoongi yelled again going to kitchen.
"Sure,whatever I'm not going to company you with your friend meeting tomorrow"joon said from inside his room.
"Joon you don't have any options if you don't want go than don't,I'll block your credit card"yoongi said bringing his food to the table.
"This is ridiculous Min yoongi I hate you good night".joon said stopping the fight and yoongi eat silently afterwards.

"Jimin hyung do we really have to go meet your friends I mean I just don't like go out today"jin asked playing with his cloth.
"Jin this is fifth time you asked you're going with me and this final"jimin said fixing his tie.
"Come jin hyung let's go please it will and hoseok was going to be there it will have fun"tae said while sitting on the bed.
"That's the reason I don't want to go".jin mumbled.
"What did you said?"Jimin asked still fixing his tie. "don't worry yoongi's brother is your age you wil be fine to meet him".jimin said ruffling Jin's hair.
"So that's mean I have to go with you"jin sighed going to get ready for the meeting.

"Joon open the door we are getting late".yoongi said knocking on the door fifth time.
"I'm not going you were mean at the night now talking to me like nothing happened"joon said opening the door sitting on the sofa with hand crossed.
"Look boy I am serious you're not going wear all that clothes, wear something decent".yoongi said and sit beside the joon.
"You can't judge me from my clothes hyung I feel pretty on those".joon said looking at his with anger
"Look baby hyung loves when you wear those and he doesn't judge you but please understand hyung  everyone don't have good eyes".yoongi said grabbing the boy's shoulder.
"I was just saying that what people things I don't care about you should not also".joon said sighing when his brother looked hurt .
"You're my only family baby don't be mad I just want you safe nothing esle ok ".yoongi said his voice cracked little when he said joon is his only family.
"I'm sorry that I yelled at you and also calling you mean I love you"joon sighed and hugged his brother rubbing his back.
"Hm....same to you".yoongi said with blush.
"Say it hyung I am the only one here".joon said still hugging him.
"I... I love you too kiddo now shall we go but you were mad than why are you ready to go out"yoongi said looking at joon who was ready with his shorts and black off shoulder top.
"You know I can't leave you because you're my baby and mother don't leave their child"joon said Patting yoongi's head with smile.
"Really ? Thank you mom you are great"yoongi chuckled.
"Than give mom's favourite chocolate to mom"joon said showing his plam.
"Joon it's 7 o'clock you want to eat chocolate seriously"pongo asked in disbelief.
"Oh hyung please I need you know I'm not social person I need clam my nerves down before meeting your friends"joon said with little bit whinning voice.
"Fine only one than and joon please change your clothes please ok"yoongi said and rushed towards kitchen.


To be continued....


I'm not patience one so I can't control myself to update so many people asked to update so here it is.

But babies give it lots of comments and votes than I'll continue otherwise it will come in may with next chapter.

Hopefully you liked it 😁

Thank you 😊
Written by ARYA......

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