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"Who was he? Your younger brother— is he more beautiful than me?".  A female voice came into kook's ear he remembered he was fucking a beautiful blonde, he caressed her face
"You have no comparision with my love— he is god of beauty extremely fair". Kook smiled and licked the woman's face, grabbing her hair. Kook was never interested in men but he is interested joon he is surprised when ever he saw him he wants to do bad things.
"Why do like only pretty people?". Blonde girl laughed when kook kissed his neck making her tingly.
"Oh, i got a trauma myself i single scratch makes my heart beat faster, gave me headaches I have problem to breathe and sometimes it makes me feel that I want kill myself or someone near me". Jungkook wore his clothes, and pour some wine for himself and the blonde woman laying on his bed he then looked out the window it was raining.
"W- what t- the fuck? You are a mental— you should go to hospital". The blonde girl yelled without thinking, and got pushed by jungkook his eyes got red he is not mental he is just sick and he is taking medication he will be fine but why everyone calls him mental, crazy or psycho.
"What did you said? A mental— how dare you bitch, you can't say someone mental if you think they are mental". Jungkook know he has some anger issues too, but he is not mental or anything he is fine and normal.

"Namjoon— jin, how come you are here? Why didn't you call me? where were you? Hyung is worried and Hoseok—". Taehyung hugged jin pushing joon aside, while joon rolled his eyes sucking on the lollipop.
"Hoseok what did he said— i mean I told him I'm not home going for some day i am living in a hotel". Jin said, he saw joon raising his eyebrow and making a face like he doesn't know anything while mocking him.
"Ya, why are you living there? Go back to your house, you know how much hyungs are worried". Joon said, he spit the lollipop as it taste was bitter and unwrapped a new, and licked it, he smirked when jin glared at him.
"Hm.. hoseok is worried too he doesn't remember what happened and where were you". Taehyung said, he is worried of course he will jin is the person who never tells what's the problem even it hurts he will never say it, and because of that taehyung and jimin are too worried.
"Now, everything is good let's go home— excuse me". Jin said pulling taehyung with himself and he stick his tongue to on joon while someone pass through him, he went to joon straight.
"Kim Namjoon— sir this for
you— wow, you are beautiful I mean because of you these roses looks so dull". The male smiled, he pushed bouquet of roses in joon's hand smiled, he looked around and his smile got bigger.
"One more admirer joon— this it's 15 in two weeks, you so beautiful you keep attracting people". Taehyung said, he rolled his eyes he sighed and stand beside joon so the strange not do something weird with joon.
"Ya, like he did with jungkook Hyung—". Jin said and laughed.
"These roses are from jungkook, I'm his personal secretary— this here, take this too". The secretary smiled, he took out the card and place it on bouquet.
"What the fuck for he gave all of these and why? Beside that joon- ah, do you meet jungkook". It was joon's older brother voice, yoongi here to pick up joon why not he wasn't busy and wanted to see joon, he took rose and smiled he throw in dustbin taking it pic, he send to jungkook with the middle finger emoji. While joon face was shock, because of the other gifts not from rose.
"You are not going to talk to him? Am I right joon- ah? He is insane, you can date any boy and girl in this universe but not him". Yoongi approached joon and said with calmest voice, if he will say something which he doesn't want joon to do, namjoon gonna do thinking yoongi challenged him which yoongi doesn't want.
"Insane? I will not say I'll fix him hyung, if he couldn't fix himself I'll leave him, although he needs to make up with you— I'll not stop talking with him". Namjoon said, he smiled at his brother who was coming towards him to pull joon with him.
"So— you talk with him, baby come here— we need to talk". Yoongi said, joon nodded he waved to taehyung and jin although jin was going to follow him, because he still doesn't want to leave joon's place because of guilt, he will take time to go back after an hour or two leaving the brothers to talk in personal.

To be continued....

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