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"Wow, Jonas was a total dick today" Ellie cursed as they walked back to their room,

"I know! I'm still holding hope for one of us to slip and 'accidentally' shoot that bald bastard" Reese rolled her eyes, this made Ellie laugh as they entered the dorm.

Looking around Reese noticed Riley wasn't back yet, checking the small clock on the wall she realised that it was past 8, meaning curfew is set soon and Riley is usually back by now.

"She never breaks curfew, she breaks the rules but never curfew?" Ellie spoke her thoughts, just as confused as Reese.

Reese shrugged "maybe it's a one off? She's probably just late" Ellie nodded, as she settled on the bottom bunk and Reese on the other bed across the room. Riley had the top bunk.

(Yes I made them all share a room. Bite me... no pun intended)

Both girl were lying in their stiff beds looking up at the ceiling, or in Ellie's case, the top bunk "The lessons are gonna get worse aren't they. The small bb guns we are using on the weird human doll things-"


"Yeah, them. They aren't gonna be manneek- whatever's much longer, soon we are gonna be killing infected. Fireflies... other people. We're aren't going to be given a choice anymore" Ellie spoke sadly, hating the future that had been chosen by anyone but themselves.

This QZ was great for those family's and lone traveler's that need shelter and supplies, but the kids that are brought here without parents and all alone automatically get put in a training system. To fight and kill, almost like they were soldiers. But in the times they live In, they have to be prepared for anything. So the harsh training put upon kids, to them, was a necessary thing... even if it was brutal and wrong.

"But we will have each other" Reese said, turning her head to look at Ellie from across the room "we will fight together and survive together. You, me and Riley"

Ellie continued to look at the top bunk for a moment before also turning her head, looking at Reese and giggled "your such a sap" she teased, making Reese chuckle.

"Maybe" she shrugged looking back up at the ceiling "but I will always be there for you Ellie, remember that" she spoke as she turned over now facing the wall "g'night" Reese yawned.

Ellie smiled, genuinely. She loved her friendship with Reese, they had know each other longer that they had know Riley. Ellie always had this lingering feeling in her stomach when Reese smiled or hugged her, and Ellie knew why of course. She knew she had a small crush on her best friend, but refused to do anything about it.

They had too strong of a bond and Ellie believed she would destroy it by a small confession on something she didn't fully understand yet.

Maybe one day she would tell her, or maybe she would just wait it out. Ellie didn't know yet. Ellie always liked to be in control of things, from her bb gun in practice, to her knife in training, so her trust she doesn't give easily and now her feelings for Reese. But even she had to admit, they were slowly slipping from her grasp, and her feelings were betraying her actions.

With a heavy sigh, Ellie turned and faced the wall as well hoping to catch some sleep,

"G'night Ree"



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