Chapter (VI)

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Boston Quarantine Zone  -  10:16

Boston Quarantine Zone  -  10:16────────────────────────

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It was now the night, and Reese was sporting a black eye, curtsy of Ava's lucky right hook from training that morning. Nothing to bad, just a slight purple bruise.

So she was now at her desk planning. The same thing she has done night after night.

After making her promise to Ellie she planned to leave that night, until she realised she would have no food or drink and she had very minimal fighting skills.

So she made the smart decision to stay and train till she was granted her gun pass, where she was able to keep her own guns and daggers on her at all times if she wished. Now 17 years old and a good amount of fighting experience on her back, she would be able to fend for herself from more than just infected.

She had proven that to herself. She had only ever killed 3 firefly's, who held her hostage at one point last year, but she's also killed around 8 traveler's that attempted to steal supplies either from her or from the QZ. Not something she's proud of, but necessary when alone in this world.

She lost of how many infected had died by her hand.

This is what Ellie didn't want

She wanted you to be free from this

She thought to herself.


Soon, she would leave. She was actually planning to leave tomorrow, but she would have to do it discreetly and quietly.

The security at the QZ was immaculate, and Reese had no clue when she would next be sent out on a solo search. She hopes she would soon, it would make her life a lot easier.

Her bag had been packed for days, and all she had to do was say goodbye.

That would be difficult.

Ava and Lia knew of her plans and had known for years, they supported her but made it clear they would better off at the QZ. They liked the comfort of sleeping under a roof and security, and Reese was okay with that.

She had a plan. Now she just needed to follow it.

Knock, knock!

Reese's brows furrowed as she checked the clock, it was 10pm. The curfew was an hour ago, so who the hell was knocking at this time,

Huffing she got up from the desk, stuffing her plans away in the draw before going and opening the door.

Low and behold. Lia was stood there in all her glory, but this time dressed in nicer clothes.

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