Chapter (VII)

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Reese was falling.

No- not emotionally or anything,

Like physically falling...


She's literally free falling from a window shes jumped out of-

This was a dumb idea.

Was her main thought. The other was,


And the other was,

This is gonna hurt. You idiot.

All in all, a lot of words circled through Reeses mind as she fell. And even before, she was running at her top speed, her face still wet from tear of the goodbyes she had just done with everyone she cares about. The sirens were blaring throughout the building as the red lights flickered, almost like a fire drill... but much worse.

Reese doubted a fire drill means she's have a team of armed men chasing her like she was the last drop of water in a desert.

She saw the window at the dead end, it was open, and Reese is an idiot.

And that's why she falling.



And hitting the ground...

"fuck fuck fuck"


"Shit..That's gonna hurt tomorrow." she cursed under her breath to herself, picking herself off the floor and dusting herself down.

She didn't have much time to think about the pain in her ankles and knees as she was one again running.

She had tried to be sneaky and get out of the building undetected, but there was a small bump in her plan.

Someone had locked the wrong door.

At most times, exit door A was open for the soldiers to get in and out during nightly missions. But someone, (or as Reese liked to say, stupid mother fuc-) had locked exit door A instead of B. Leaving Reese standing like an idiot trying to pick the lock with a hair clip, which then set off the alarm, which let to Reese throwing herself out of the window on the 2nd floor.

And now, she was running again. She knew where she was going to head to take cover. She could probably stay there for a few days to lay low and get the team of her trail and it was that well hidden.

On a solo search she had discovered it and put it down in her journal for future memo.

She noticed the firefly graffiti art that was a checkpoint she knew, she was only a few minutes away now.

Over the years fireflies have become less of a problem, a lot of then giving up Reese presumed. I mean they can only search for a cure for so long before they give up hope, right?

Reese finally came across the door... that wasn't really a door. It was wooden and old so it was just a few planks being held up by rusty nails now.

Pulling out her gun from her back pocket, she slowly pried open the door and walked in. Slowly and quietly she looked around to find it was an old grocery store, the  isles still stocked. Clearly no one had emptied it before or no one found it after the outbreak.

"How have I never found this before" Reece muttered to herself.

There was no lighting in the building, no windows from what she could see so her flashlight that was on her jacket came in handy.

Not hearing or seeing any infected, she lowered her gun but kept it at her side just incase.

The glass crunched under her foot as she trudged through the isles, occasionally picking up a box of cereal to check the dates before putting them back reminding herself to collect the indate or still edible ones later, she looked up to see the glass on the floor was from broken lights above her.

It was a little messy, but overall, the shop didn't look like it had seen a single infected in its lifetime.


She thought. It was strange. A shop that had been sitting here for over 20 years in an infected filled city had not once had an infected in it. Or human for that matter, the food was untouched.

Either way, Reece seemed it was fine for her to lay low for a while. And also for her to stack up on supplies before she headed out of Boston.

5 days later
The Shop

Reese couldn't lie, the shop is cozy. And she could probably live here for a little while longer, but, as cozy as it is.

Im bored. Was a continuous thought,

She had read through all the magazines on the 'weird rack thingy', and she had stuffed herself full of food. And now she was bored.

So she's currently behind the counter looking through the draws for anything useful before she left.

The should of junk shuffling through draws was echoing throughout the store, and the pile of empty cans and cereal boxes was sat a few feet away from her.

"C'mon, something useful? Why can't there just be another magazine?"

Reese, during her days spent in the shop, had taken a liking to magazines and the comic books that were surprisingly completely untouched. She definitely packed a few of them for her journey.

The only thing she found in the draws was a pen, she clicked it a few times out of boredom. But made sure it was an even amount of clicks before the dropped it in the draw a went to grab her bag.

She threw all the essentials she would need... including the comics, and checked it over 3 times to be sure before she finally went to leave the shop.

Prying open the rusty door once again, she gave one final look over the place that had provided her safety and an unhealthy amount of coco pops cereal, before she turned and headed out of her journey.

A death trap of a journey that won't be easy, she's soon learn.


Small chapt, and a shit one.



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