Chapter (I)

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Walking through the shitty abandoned outskirts of Boston was a sight to see

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Walking through the shitty abandoned outskirts of Boston was a sight to see. At least for Reese it was.

Some of the tall buildings had fallen onto the shorter ones below, some still stood, just barely anyways.

Reese was walking along an old road, it was filled with abandoned cars and some that had crashed into one another.

Reese wondered how manic these roads would be during outbreak day. People on foot running, cars honking and crashing into one another. People screaming.

Reese couldn't imagine the panic they must have felt when the news broke out.

'Did the news even break out? Or did they just figure shit out themselves?'

There was so many unanswered questions for those of her generation, she supposed it could be the same for the people who actually survived outbreak day.

With the dry leaves and branches crunching under her boots, she continued her journey. She didn't know where she was going, she figured that thought might scare some people.

But Reese wasn't scared, she didn't know why. But she knew she wasn't one to live in the confinement of 4 walls.

She had hated every second in the QZ, even more so the military school she had been placed in.

Yes, there were good times. But the lingering thought of having no escape or no exit without severe consequences didn't sit right with Reese.

The place was ruthless, inhumane and wrong on so many levels. Everyone knew this, but never actually did anything about it.

Well... except the fireflys, who Reese had realised, in the past 4 years had completely gone off the radar in Boston.

"Even they had given up" Reese scoffed to herself as she kicked a stone.

She turned back to the city ahead of her, she was now stood on a high bridge looking over the abandoned roads and sky high buildings.

Leaning on the wall she let out a sigh, she truly couldn't imagine this place having so many people bustling in its streets. She can't imagine something she'd never known.

With the sun rising over the horizon, the dawn of the morning greeted the city. It's orange glow reflecting off of the remaining glass windows, and making the concrete roads below her glow.

Reese took this moment with a pinch of salt, knowing it was probably the only time she'd have to simply breath for a long time. She had heard of the dangers beyond the wall, although it was completely unknown to her, she was prepared.

With one last longing look at the beauty of simple nature, she pushed herself from the wall and began her walk towards the buildings.


It didn't take Reese long to discover a dead end. Practically forcing her to go through a building to find an alternative route.

That's how she ended up in a Museum, she hated to admit, but the old artifices did distract her slightly from the task at hand.

Old antique photos and statues lined the dark always, Reese wondered if it was normal to have a naked angle painted on the walls.

'That's gotta be small compared to the normal size?'

She squinted at the painting, wondering how girls find so much pleasure for a tiny little thing.

Shaking her head to rid the thought, she balanced her gun on her other wrist and held them tight in front of her. So far, she hadn't seen a single infected. It set her on edge.

She took hesitant steps up the long staircase, the creeping of the old wood echoed under her feet.

She looked up as she approached the upper level, the white walls were decorated with golden lining that was eroding away. It was pretty to look at.

Finishing her final step to the second floor, she entered the first room she saw. Well the first one that wasn't barricaded by fallen wood, and took a look around.

It was similar to the floor below, old antiques and statues. But this time Reese's eyes skimmed over the artefacts and looked for an exit, this building put her on edge.

Making her was around a large glass desk she spotted a window at the end of a far corridor, from where she stood it looked as though it had a balcony.

"Bingo" she cheered silently,

Walking towards it with a rush, the placed her gun in her back pocket and stuck her head out, checking left and right to make sure it was clear before she hopped out.

Taking in a breath she let it out heavily, glad she was finally out of the stuffy building.

The building beside the museum wasn't that big of jump, but Reese had to mentally prepare herself and give herself a pep talk,

"It's not that far... we'll it is, but I can make it. Yeah.. yep I can definitely make it" she peered over the edge "oh shi- nope! I jumped out of a 2 story window... this is fiiinnnee. Mhm, yup. Totally fine"

She gave her head an shake and shook her hands and she stepped back to take a run up, she cracked her neck and after a few more seconds of contemplating the pros and cons. She ran, jumped and rolled and she landed.

She came out of the roll but didn't get up, she just payed flat on her back, eyes wide at her stupid idea.

"Holy shit!" She scrambled to her feet, looking back down at the fall that could of been her fate, she laughed in shock,

"Ho-ly shit! Haha!"

She held her heart as she heard it pound in her ears and knelt over with her other hand on her knees.

"Reese you fucking idiot"



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