Chapter (III)

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When Reese got back that night, 2 hours later. Ellie and Riley still weren't back.

Thinking they had just got ahead of time Reese walked into the bathroom to put her pyjama's back on, the ones that were currently stuffed in her arms, holding them after having to change at the gym.

Upon entering, she took a good look at herself, being to tired and upset with Ellie earlier she didn't get a chance to check out her possible visible injuries.

Her left cheek was redder than usual, it was as if she had slept on it funny and left a red mark prominent. And her right had a small almost circle like purple bruise just above her jawline and slightly under cheekbone, clearly made from Jonas' strong grip.

Signing she quickly got changed and headed back into the dorm. Again noticing her friend' absents she slipped under the covers and lay in bed.

She didn't sleep though, she couldn't. She had this underlying worry in the pit of her stomach that just wouldn't leave. So, she opted to stay awake until they got back. Maybe then she could sleep peacefully.



"I'll be fine" Ellie sighed "I'll be fine, and Ree will be fine. And you'll be fine. And we will see each other again"

"You should keep these" Riley sighed, handing over the water guns she had gifted Ellie and Reese from her travels. "Not gonna do me any good"

"Ree will love these" Ellie chuckled slightly, taking off her backpack to put them inside,

Riley smiled at her friend. Smirking amused "you like her don't you?" She asked "I mean this is the what- 4th? 5th time you have brought her up? And that's just in the last..." she checked her watch "4 minutes and..43 seconds"

Ellie's brows furrowed, acting confused "Oldy specific timing... and Ree? Of course I like her she's my friend?"

Riley chuckled, punching her arm "AW! Hey, what the fuck!?" Ellie winced at the hit,

"Stop with the bullshit" Riley chuckled "you like-like her!" She stated,

"Wha- Urg, whatever dude" Ellie sighed whilst zipping up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder,

"You didn't deny it" she chuckled, poking Ellie in the ribs teasingly "oooh, Ellie has a crush!"

"What! No. I mean- maybe- possibly" The younger girl stuttered, but seeing the look Riley was giving her she had no choice but to cave, she sighed "fine. Yes I do"

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