Chapter (III)

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The walk -to Reese' relief- pass by quicker than expected

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The walk -to Reese' relief- pass by quicker than expected. The siphoning however, now that took forever.

If one was to count on their fingers how many cars had not one drop of fuel, they'd have to count on their toes, as well.

I'm Reeses case, however, she decided to count by cussing. She sighed, finding yet another empty fuel tank.

"And that's... shit box No.11" she huffed out, staring down the empty tank and eventually let her head collapse, resting it on the car she was knelt besides with a thump.

She took a few minute to regain her breathing, trying to suck out the non-existent fuel through a small, cut hose pipe, was rendering her breathless.

She eventually lifted her head, looking towards the last remaining car on the gas station-lot with little hope. She was hot, sweaty, smelly and hungry. And now completely lost for breath.

Reese, I'm some instances, wasn't the brightest. She stocked her back full of food to begin with... however, one by one each can of beans was replaced by either, an item of clothing, or some random trinket she thought would clear her boredom amounts her travels.

That child sized water gun took up the spaces of 4 bean cans.

Picking up her tube and gas container, she slugged over to the last remaining car. From her brief history with a car information booklet, she spotted the car was a Peugeot. What type, she didn't know. But she was internally proud of herself for remembering.

Popping open the lid, she put the tube into the tank. Her eyes lit up with surprise and excitement when she felt the resistance of liquid. She praised it wasn't just water.

She was quick to begin siphoning. Eager to get back on the road.

It seems her luck was running high... or she just picked the right gas station. But, she had fuel. She had fucking fuel.

"Yes!" She cheered, patting the car not so gently "thank you, not shit box No.12! Ha!" Reese was ecstatic.

She rolled from her knelt position, so she was fully sitting on the floor, legs straight in front of her and her arms behind her held her up. She watched silently as the gas trickled from the car, through the hose, and into the fuel container.

She took a few minutes to soak up the afternoon sun, Reese estimated it was around 4 or 5 pm. It would get dark soon. But to spare time, she stood and headed towards the store attached to the station. Hoping to find some food or drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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