Chapter (II)

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On Reeses travels, she had only managed to acquire a quarter filled bottle of alcohol and a few bullets from an old discarded gun

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On Reeses travels, she had only managed to acquire a quarter filled bottle of alcohol and a few bullets from an old discarded gun.

Not the best, but it would do.

She was travelling through the last few miles of the city, her legs were aching and her feet and ankles felt swollen.

Again. Not the best.

So there was now one thing on Reese's mind. A car.

Anything that would give her legs a small rest, she'd found an old and empty building to spend the night and had been walking since dawn.

So far she'd checked around 5 to 6 cars, all without batteries. Typical.

That's was until she spotted the truck. Unlike the rest, it didn't look battered and overgrown with fungus.

It's back end was just peeking out through a window of a building on the bottom floor, a hard find. Reese internally begged it had some usage in it.

Walking up to the buildings door, with a great tug it was swung open. Clearly rusty on it hinges.

The room was empty, a thin latter of water covered it's floor, just big enough to reach Reese's laces on her boots.

Walking towards the exposed truck, Reese noticed it was covered by a tarp.

Reaching forward to peel it of the car after slashing cold water into her boots by her steps, she peeled it off and to Reese's surprise. It looked brand new.

"Holy shit!" She cheered, quickly cringing at her voice and scanned the area to be sure she didn't attacked herself any attention.

"What a find..." she the muttered to herself, keeping her voice low.

She rushed around to the front, the water splashing around her feet and quickly popped the bonnet.

Reeses eyes widened at the sight of a battery. Mouth hung open and her internal cheering continued, she's gladly scream in delight if there wasn't a risk of infected near.

Although she was yet to encounter any.

She reached into the drivers side and threw herself in front of the wheel, with no key, she would have to hot wire it.

Taking apart the panel under the wheel, she found the wires she would need and got to work.

Sparking them together repeatedly and praying for results.

When it didn't work she began to loose hope, trying one last time.

When the engine roared to life she felt like crying.

She let out a deep sigh as her head fell forward in relief, she had a way out. A certainly more safe one anyways.

She had been taught how to drive by her old team 3 leader, Leon, he had shown her the ropes on driving their patrol trucks.

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