Chapter (VIII)

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Reese hung around the darker parts of Boston until it was dark out. It's easier to sneak out when you only have the spotlights to see people.

Considering any infected where normally killed on sight, Reese hadn't had any troubles.

Another thing Reese was happy about, what the fact that her solo searches have given her a great insight on where she can hide, and where she can sneak out of the walls.

When dark approached, Reese's made sure she stayed hidden behind an old bust yellow bus. The spotlight peaking though the windows when it made its round.

She would have to time her run perfectly.

Using the bus to her advantage, she waited for the spotlight to pass once more petite she made a break for the tunnel ahead.

Pulling up the hidden grid lid, she pulled the heavy object to the side, just enough for her to squeeze in.

Crouching down in the small and tight tunnel she turned to close the grid behind her, now encased in pure darkness.

There was the occasional shine of light through small holes in the roof, but only brief.

Reese knew getting out her flashlight was too much of a risk, anyone outside the tunnel would see her light through the holes.

Getting down low, she only had room to army crawl through. Her bag scrapped the roof if she moved to high up.

Passing the first hole with no issues she mentally sheered at the small victory.

Coming up to the next she paused right before it, waiting for the spotlight to pass so she was in the clear.

When it did she went to move again, but she paused suddenly. A flashlight was shining down at the ground and through the small eye hole. A thin bean of light projecting right on the edge of her lashes,

Without moving her head, she looked at her hands and noticed her fingers were in the light. She silently and slowly curled them into fists, binding her fingers from view.

Reese heard muffled voices though the tunnel walls,

"Ya see anythin?" A male voice asked, one she didn't recognise through the walls that muffled their voices,

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