Chapter (I)

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"BITCH! look what I got!" Reese screamed as she opened the dorm door,

Ellie jumped out of her chair at the desk spinning round to give a death glare at the loud girl that has just scared her shitless,

"Reese! What the fuck, I was trying to draw!" Ellie cursed, gesturing to her small drawing pad in front on her at the desk,

"Oh fuck your drawing. Look!" Reese held up her hand, showing off her newest stolen item.

"What's that?" Ellie looked at the foreign object confused,

"It's, drum roll please! A CAMERA!" She cheered, waving the box like thing in her hand,

"Wha- cool, where d'ya get it?!" Ellie said excited, walking towards Reese to look at the camera,

"Snuck it out from Old toad face's office" Reese boasted proudly, whilst Ellie snickered at the nickname they had given their 6th grade history teacher, examining the camera in her hands.

"Does it work?"

"Not a clue" Reese shrugged "but we're gonna find out" she explained grabbing the camera from Ellie's hand and taking the seat at the desk,

"Riley would of loved this" Ellie smirked as she saw the object light up,

"Right?!" Reese replied pressing some buttons on the camera trying to get it to work.

It had been 3 weeks since Riley had disappeared, the 2 friends tried to convince themselves she was still alive, but it was getting harder and harder to believe the more they learned about the outside.

"A-hah! It works" Reese said excited, boosting up from her seat showing Ellie the screen.

"Woah, c'mon take it" Ellie laughed as they both pulled a funny face and Reese snapped the photo, causing a small flash then a strange vibrating sound.

Both girls looked confused "it's not gonna explode is it?" Reese asked, holding the camera away from them.

"I dunno' you know more about this than I do" Ellie said incredulously, thinking the camera was gonna do something crazy.

Suddenly a piece of paper came out the bottom and slowly fell to the floor. Reese bend down to pick up the strange blank photo,

"Urg, bullshit. It's broken" Reese showed her friend the photo, a complete black picture. Ellie sighed disappointed.

"Oh well, c'mon. Let's take another" Reese giggled as she put the black one in the draw.

As the girl took some photos, the collection of black photos grew in the draw. But slowly, through time the photos grew colour. Grew outlines and figures.

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