A Chat

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Y/n and Spider-woman land on a roof of a nearby building as the police look over the destruction at the construction plant. The two stood under a makeshift cover to avoid anymore rain.

Y/n: Great. Now I have to find a new training spot.

Spider-woman: Hm. Wasn't a good one anyway. I try to fight away from densely populated areas. So I was bound to go there and interrupt you eventually.

Y/n: I guess. Hey, doesn't that hurt?

Spider-woman looks at the cut Green Goblin left, and shrugged.

Spider-woman: Sadly, I'm used to this. I'll hopefully be fine by tomorrow. But It'll definitely still sting. Thus brings up a good point… I don't care if you have powers, don't try to be a hero. Just, try to be a regular kid.

Y/n: I'm fully aware of what could happen. I saw the fights you and other heroes are always in.

Spider-Woman shakes her head.

Spider-woman: And you still want to be a hero?

Y/n pauses for a bit… he stands up straight and looks at Spider-Woman.

Y/n: Yes. I'll do anything to protect this city like my father before me. I want to protect the good citizens of New York. 

Spider-woman: Well… I won't stop you. By the way, if it's alright with you, how did you get your powers? I thought I was the only Spider hero. 

Y/n: Honestly… I don't know, I just woke up with these. I don't know, maybe a weird ass spider bit me.

Spider-Woman: Maybe, well. *giggles* You know, it's nice to have another Spider in town… it kinda gets lonely here. I can't even tell my crush, and just yesterday my best friend found out what I do.

Y/n smirks

Y/n: Pretty clumsy huh?

Spider-woman: *giggles* Yeah I guess so. It's been a tough year.

Y/n: Well, we could meet back here tomorrow, and… I could help you out?

Spider-woman looks at the new found hero, and nods.

Spider-woman: Thanks. Hey do you know how to sew?

Y/n: Uh. Yeah why?

Spider-woman: *giggles* You should make a new costume soon.

Y/n: Well I'll be busy this week, but when I have time, I'll make one.

Spider-woman: Alright, well I gotta go! And thanks for the help today!

Spider-woman jumped off the roof and began to swing. 

Y/n: God I need to take a hot shower after this… and I should wash these clothes.

Y/n glitches away from the roof top and begins to make his way home.

Y/n is seen climbing through his window into his room. He silently takes off his suit, and shoves it in his laundry basket. He takes his phone out of his hoodie, and places it on his desk. Y/n stretches as he goes to his closet and grabs some clothes and quietly puts them on. Y/n sighs and wipes a mix of rain and sweat from his forehead. He was about to sit on his bed, but his phone suddenly began to vibrate off his desk. Y/n groans and goes to grab his phone… when suddenly his door opened. 

At his doorway, a very angry mother was standing there.

Y/n was currently sitting on the couch while M/n stood in front of him fuming 

M/n: Where the hell have you been?! It's 9 pm!

Y/n: … It is? I didn't notice.

M/n: Y/n, where the hell were you? I called May, Ned's grandma, Osborn, hell even Captain Stacy to see if you were there! No one knew, I've been calling you for the past three hours! 

Y/n: My phone was on vibrate… and um, I didn't really notice?

M/n: How could you not! And, who the hell told you, you could just leave without telling me huh?! I came home, to see you nowhere to be seen. And not even a single message. No "Hey mom I'm going out,"?! Nothing?! 

Y/n: *mutters* I didn't even think you were coming home today…

M/n: What was that?

Y/n's eye begins to twitch as he clenches his fist.

Y/n: I didn't even think you were coming home. You're never home, you're always at work. I have to be the one who makes dinner, my own lunches, my own breakfast! It's like you're not even here anymore!

M/n: How many times do I have to say this!? I'm working for us! 

Y/n suddenly stands up and looks at his mother in the eyes. 

Y/n: Oh really? You make more than enough money at this point! But you still work and work! Shift after shift! Fuck, I don't even know where you work because you refuse to tell me! Is that job really more important then me?! Am I just another thing you have to pay like a fucking bill?! At least dad saw I was more important then some job!

M/n: Did he?! If he cared about us he wouldn't have run into that fucking building and died!

Y/n's eyes suddenly widened In shock from what she had just said. Y/n clenches his teeth and goes to his room.  

M/n: Y/n?

Y/n shuts the door and locks it shut behind him. Y/n goes to his closet and grabs the web canister, he takes out the web and throws it against the door handle sealing it shut. M/n starts to pound on the door as he quickened his pace. He puts some of his essentials in his book bag, including his wet costume. 

He opens his window, and looks back at the door.

M/n: Y/n open the door! I'm sorry!

Y/n remains silent as he glitches out of the room…

Gwen was seen in her room listening to some music, while finishing some last minute homework. Suddenly she heard someone knocking on her door. 

Gwen: Yeah?

The door opens revealing her father, and the captain of the NYPD. 

Captain Stacy: Hey kiddo, Y/n's mother just called me again. Apparently he ran away.

Gwen: What?! Did something happen?

Captain Stacy: She wouldn't tell me, other then they had a fight.

Gwen: Where could he be…

Suddenly there's a knock at the front door. The two walk over and open the door to see a panting and soaking wet Y/n. 

Gwen: Y/n?!

Captain Stacy: Kid what are you doing doing here your mother is worried sick!

Y/n frowns.

Y/n: She… talked bad about dad…

Captain Stacy's eyes widen, and he moves out of the way to let Y/n inside.

Captain Stacy: I see… you could stay for the night, I'll hit you some pillows and blankets. You could sleep on the couch.

Y/n: Thank you… Can I use the shower?

Captain Stacy: Of course. 

Gwen: I'll make you some hot coco, you have to be freezing.

Y/n: I'm fine Gwen.

Gwen: No you're not. Come on.

Y/n: Okay…

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