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Monday morning… 

Y/n was seen at school taking out some text books for the next few classes. One thing that caught a few people's attention was his hood has been up almost all day. MJ already tried to take it off in first period, but he constantly evaded her. They turned in their projects too. So now they just have to wait for the winner to be announced in the school paper.

 And in art class… It was strange. For some reason Ellie wasn't there, he tried texting her but she never responded either… Come to think about it… he hasn't heard from her since they last met up.

Y/n rolls his shoulders earning a satisfying crack as he closes the locker. Y/n began to walk down the hall to his third period class, he suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder. He smiles as he turns his head to see Gwen holding her books, smiling at him.

Gwen: Hey Y/n, it's so good seeing you again! Are you feeling better? Wait… why are you wearing a hoodie?

Y/n: Oh- uh, just have a really bad haircut right now,, don't worry about it. But, other than that I'm feeling great.

Gwen: Ah I see, well that's great, and you're back home right? Is your mom-

Y/n shakes his head.

Y/n: No. My uncle took care of me the whole week. Not that I mind, I love uncle Q. 

Gwen: I'm sorry to hear that.

Y/n frowns before taking a deep breath. The two finally reached their class. Some students were setting their stuff down as they took their seats. 

Y/n: It's whatever at this point. 

Gwen suddenly hugs Y/n causing him to flinch out of surprise. He eventually wraps his arms around her too, before they eventually have to separate. 

Gwen: Well, I'll always be here for you. Remember we got a date tonight.

Y/n: R-Right.

Y/n rubs the back of his head, and lets out a light chuckle. She smiles at him before going to her seat. And with that… their lovely day began.

Once the period ended the two made it to the lunchroom, where the rest of the gang were seen waiting. Ned, Harry and Petra were all seen watching a new episode of that Harley Quinn show on Ned's phone. While across from them MJ was seen smiling at a newspaper. This catches his attention, as Gwen and Y/n sit beside her.

Y/n: Hey how are you all doing?

Harry: Good, just helped my mom with some work at Oscorp.

Ned: Yeah, and I just pre-ordered a new lego set, I'll show you when this episode is done!

Y/n: Nicee. Petra, what about you?

Petra: *giggles* You know me, I'm so tired. I hardly got any sleep.

Y/n and her share a sigh. Guess they both know how it feels now. Y/n tries to peek at the newspaper MJ is reading but he couldn't really see it.

Y/n: Whatcha got there MJ?

MJ: I won… I won the contest! Look! 

MJ passes the newspaper, Y/n reads the headline. New Spider Takes Down Fisk! Y/n's eyes widened as he looked at the photo, it was him and Fisk fighting… the drone! So that was her!

MJ hands Y/n his drone, and gives him a hug, causing Gwen and Petra to jump in surprise. 

MJ: Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: Really it was nothing, you did everything yourself. So you earned it.

Harry: Hey Y/n… why are you wearing a hoodie? It's 70 degrees in here.

The Glitch-Spider (Reboot/MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now