Bad At Secrets

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Y/n was seen standing swinging aimlessly looking for Spider-Women, only dropping to help someone once in a while. Is seen standing over the city, sighing in exhaustion, waiting for Spider-Women to show up... Y/n pulls out his phone, once he opens it he sees a text from MJ.

MJ: Y/n! Can you do me a favor?

Y/n: What is it?

MJ: I wanted to write a story on that new spider guy! I have the story but not a photo! I know you have one of those tiny drones your uncle gave you, do you think I could borrow it?

Y/n: Sure, why not.

MJ: Thanks Y/n I owe you! Is it alright if I pick it up tonight? Around 8?

Y/n checked the time, it was currently 3 pm. He has four hours to find Spider-woman, and ask for her help with the kingpin, then head back home. God this is so time consuming.

Y/n: Yeah totally, see you then MJ.

MJ: Great! See ya Tiger!

She ends the call leaving Y/n alone. Y/n scans the block one more time, before jumping off the roof and swinging away. Y/n in the corner of his eyes sees a red blur swing past the streets. Y/n's eyes widened as he glitches that way and tries to catch up with blur. Y/n swings around the same corner to see Spider-woman fighting men in a familiar purple uniform. She manages to knock one out a man in a familiar purple uniform. When she goes to tie him up, one of them tosses a smoke grenade and lands in front of her. She covers her mouth and coughs as the smoke quickly begins to disperse, as the sound of tires screeching fill her ears. Her eyes widened as the group was missing along with their vehicle.

Spider-Women: Great. Just great. Ned, do you have an idea where they went?


Back at Ned's place he's seen in his rook using his computer to talk to Petra. Not only can he hear, but he could see what she saw. He back out of her lenses and tries to go through rewind the footage of the figures running away, but it was too hard to tell.

Ned: Sorry Petra, but we completely lost them.

Petra: *comms* Who were they anyway?

Ned: No clue... hey Petra, who's that? In front of you?


Petra looks up to see Y/n walking towards her in the new suit.

Y/n: Hey Spider-woman, got the best suit.

Spider-woman: Holy crap that looked awesome! Did you make it yourself?!

Y/n: Yup. But that's not important, you saw those purple dudes right?

Spider-woman: Yeah... Do you know who they work for?

Y/n: Yeah, follow me.

Y/n webs away, leaving Spider-woman to quickly follow him. The two stop and land onto a nearby roof, Y/n looks at Spider-Woman, and sits on the ledge.

Y/n: They're Fisk's men. I stopped some earlier from trying to kidnap some sort of engineer. Listen, Spider-woman I need your help putting Kingpin away.

Spider-woman almost laughs, and shakes her head.

Spider-woman: Sorry, but trust me I tried Glitch, it's almost impossible to put him in jail. He always somehow buys his way out. So the best I could do is beat up his goons.

Y/n: Spider-woman, if we don't find a way to arrest him, he could destroy the whole city, literally! The engineer is assigned to build a giant machine, and if activated, he said it could destroy the city!

The Glitch-Spider (Reboot/MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now