Secrets shined

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Twenty minutes have passed.

Gwen is seen sitting on the couch with a tired Y/n beside her, Petra walks back from the kitchen carrying a glass of water and hands it to him.

Petra: Here Y/n, this should help.

Y/n: ... Thank you.

He gently accepts the water and begins to take a few sips while Petra joins the two, and sits besides her boyfriend. Gwen felt her heart racing by the minute, she's never seen her boyfriend like this before... no... that's wrong she has...

That face he carried was the same one years ago at his father's funeral. The same one, attempting to mask all of his pain... this time however, she could see right through it. She gently wraps her arms around him, waiting for him to finally answer some of her burning questions.

The young man lets out a raspy sigh as he looks down at his glass. It was already half empty. Gwen looks at Petra, who shifts her eyes away. She frowns before she takes a deep breath, and musters up some courage. Finally looking at Y/n in the eyes.

Gwen: Y/n... are you, The Glitch-Spider?

Y/n: ...Yes I am.

The boy puts down his glass and stretches his arm out. The symbiote suddenly wraps around his arm, partly creating his costume. The blonde simply stared at his hand for a moment, he may not have a spider sense... but he could feel the distress from her eyes alone.

Gwen: Holy shit... I-I don't even know where to start. These... powers, how long have you-

Y/n: For a few months already.

The girl looks at her best friend, then to her boyfriend... seeing the Spider suit over Y/n's arm, helped to all click. She suddenly turns her head towards Petra, startling her.

Gwen: If... If Y/n went missing during Venom's attack... and he was actually the Glitch... then you, are you Spider-woman?!

Petra lets out a short nervous laugh, as she pulls down her collar revealing her SHIELD suit underneath. Gwen was nearly stunned, she felt like she should be angry. Her boyfriend, and the one she calls a sister, has been keeping such a large secret behind her back. Not only that, but putting themselves in danger each of every day. Unfortunately, this was all shedding light on everything they've gone through.

Gwen: How, and when, both of you.p

The hero duo couldn't help but crumble as they felt the weight of Gwen's stern gaze.

Petra: W-Well um... I got bit by a radioactive spider on our field trip to Oscorp Labs. So I've... been Spider-woman ever since.... Sorry I... no, we couldn't tell anyone, we didn't want to risk putting any of you guys in harm's way!

Gwen: Hm... and you?

The symbiote retreats back within Y/n and he attempts to recall what happened. Crossing his arms, he distinctly remembers the scene.

Y/n: I... I don't know how it happened. One day I went out to look for Petra, only to find her about to get crushed by Rhino... I sorta, stepped in and got knocked out by the big guy. Next thing I know... I have powers... and the Glitching and Spider powers... I just guessed, some spider found me.

Gwen: Hold on, I'm having trouble keeping up with all this. And that... purple sludge?

Y/n: That's... complicated.

Gwen: How so?

Y/n looks past Gwen to see Nightmare looking out the window. Suddenly, his shoulders glitch and once he looked back at the window... Nightmare was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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