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Hey sorry for the long wait you guys. I've been more busy with work nowadays. Only having small chances to work on the story. I'm gonna try to get the next chapter out by the weekend if possible. Though I hope you guys enjoy this!

South of Manhattan, in the midst of the cold night, Agony is seen struggling in carrying Taskmaster into an abandoned warehouse. She brings him into a large dimly lit room. There stood her, off the grid Quinjet, with a custom hex patterned plating around it. She walks in and places Taskmaster onto one of the beds. She hesitantly rips off his mask and upper armor, revealing his skin has turned deathly pale. Most of his veins were slowly turning purple, starting at the bite at his neck. 

Whatever that monster did to him, it's surely killing him. Agony runs over to her medical kits, she enters her password, allowing the high tech cabbie revealing multiple rows of venoms, antidotes, a large unknown device, and first aid packets. She grabs an empty flask, a syringe, and the large device. She grabs a tray and puts it beside his straining body. The assassin places the syringe into his neck, drawing blood out of the bite zone. She notices something as she fills up the syringe, the blood has a violet tint. 

With the sample of his blood, she enters it into a compartment of the machine. Which begins to analyze the toxins within. Agony looks over at Taskmaster as his breathing and his twitches begin to slow down. Although every few minutes she looks over at him. To see him still shaking and coughing badly. He was getting paler and paler every second. The assassin clenched his fist as her palms began to glow a bright red… Tonight has been an absolute train wreck. 

As the toxin analysis was half way through. Agony looks at her blood sample from earlier in the night. They already know who that cat burglar is, Agony once hunted down her father after all. Though he was swiftly "saved" by the police as they arrested him. It couldn't be more obvious it was her. Once they kill that girl, they'll identify the spider's identity, and kill him once and for all… just a few more hours.

Agony:  Hopefully Sunfire has wiped out the Avengers by now…

Currently, in Tokyo, the temperature has risen to 120° F, or 48° C in less than 10 minutes throughout the city.  Petra is seen in her SHIELD suit dodging a beam of plasma. She's swinging across Tokyo, and takes a sharp turn down a street. Suddenly from behind her, what a first glance looked like a flaming missile following her, was in fact the Mercenary Sunfire. He suddenly speeds up aiming to crash into Spider-woman, her spider senses begin to flare as she twips to her right, dodging the attack. On the streets below her, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Black Widow drove on motor bikes, keeping up to the chase as they avoided vehicles. 

Sunfire quickly turns and fires another large blast, this time aimed for the streets ahead of the grounded avengers. Before the others could react, a force field blocks the attack, as Wanda is seen flying above everyone casting her magic.

Sunfire: くそーな魔女! Magneto should've killed you like your brother!

Wanda grits her teeth and launches a blast of magic towards him, however he quickly evades the hit. He fires another blast, but he's suddenly punched across the face. Iron man seems to have finally caught up, and is seen delivering an array of attacks. Sunfire suddenly stops an upcoming punch, and begins to heat up Iron Man's gauntlet. He tries to pull back as Stark begins to feel his hands sweat, and slowly begins to feel a small burn. 

Sunfire then feels his body jolt as something splats onto his back. Electricity courses throughout his body, causing him to fall onto the streets below. 

Black Widow, and the others finally get out of cover as they begin to rush over to the mutant weapon drawn. He struggles to stand as he feels the voltage continue to course through his body. He grabs onto a hold to what was shocking him, he rips it off seeing strands of webs. Suddenly a pair of webs wrap around his arms, Spider-woman drops beside him, and punches him across the face. He's knocked back, but another web pulls him in as she delivers a powerful kick.  

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