Fight Back

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A young platinum haired woman is seen fast asleep on a bed. She only wore a tank top, and a pair of shorts, the sun shining through the window onto her face. Sounds from the other room began to leak into her ears, as she did her best to ignore it. It gradually began to get louder, as the sounds of welding and laser cutters were heard. As she stirs awake, finally processing the sound, she groans in frustration as she pushes herself out of bed.  

In the living room, Y/n was seen making the last finishing touches onto the Black Cat gloves. Her white clawed gear now had a black circle in the center of the back of her hand. The perimeter gave off a soft red glow, as Y/n twists the wrist switch, it turns into a blue color.  

He suddenly gets a text from a certain someone.

Mí araña🕷

Y/n!! Are you okay!? 


I'm alright! The hell happened 
in Tokyo?

Mí araña🕷

It was a trap! Agony had an assassin
named Sunfire go after us!
Are you okay though?! Cause if he was here
Agony must be there too!


Yeah, you're right about that
She and a guy named Taskmaster
Are after Black Cat and I

Mí araña🕷

Felicia too?? 
Are you two okay!??


Yeah, we have it covered
Wait, how do you know Felicia?

Mí araña🕷

It's complicated
Long story short
She's my ex-sidekick
Tricked me into helping her steal some stuff.
I was surprised she even helped you
With Fisk


And because she helped me
She's a target too.
I need to make a plan before they
Go after her again

Mí araña🕷

I'll try to get back as soon
as possible! The Big Hero Six
Are keeping the Avengers here so we could
Help them track down Sunfire.
Just, please, be safe
If you're gonna fight
Know what you'll be risking


I promise, I will 
I love you

Mí araña🕷

I love you too
I have to go, Mr. Stark is calling me!

Y/n sighs, but smiles knowing she's safe. He hears his bedroom door open as Felicia walks out, rubbing her eyes. She walks past him and his work, and pours herself a quick cup of coffee. A few minutes past as she focuses on finishing her drink, he finishes up his work. She looks at him curiously, and narrows her eyes.

Felicia: Why are you so damn loud? I'm trying to sleep?

She looks up and quickly catches her gloves, as Y/n rolls his shoulder.

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