That Night

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After the show down, Y/n and Petra were seen in their regular clothes from before covered in dust and sweat making their way to the front. Once the two made it to the others, they were bombarded with questions and hugs. The school was shut down, as all students were forced into remote learning till repairs were finished at the school. Although, that night no one wanted to be alone. That's when Aunt May and M/n decided the kids should have one big sleepover.

While M/n and Aunt May were in the kitchen preparing snacks, Y/n and Petra were seen carrying blankets and pillows into the living room. Once they set everything up, all nice and cozy, they review their set up and smile.

Y/n: Hm, alright, so the Xbox is connected, we have Halo, and we can play any movies we want. Anything missing?

Petra: I could connect my switch? I have a Mario party, Mario kart and Smash ready for today!

Y/n: Do we even have four controllers?

Petra: Just three, but Harry should bring his too!! I'll get the switch from your room! How about you light the fireplace?

Y/n: Yeah no problem.

Y/n chuckles as he watches Petra run off to his room. The boy moves over and kneels in front of the small fireplace under the large living room TV, and switches it on. It creates a small flame, Y/n looks around for a moment, and hesitantly puts his hand inside the flame… his hand was unharmed, heck, it only felt a bit warm. Like holding a nice cup of coco. 

M/n: Y/n, can you come here real quick?

Y/n quickly takes his hand out, and pushes himself off the ground and quickly walks over to his mother. M/n is seen wearing beige pants, a white shirt, with her red apron. The tan woman grabs some rags and takes out a fresh batch of cookies, and puts them on the table before wiping some sweat off with her arm. 

Y/n: What's going on mom?

M/n: I just need your help quickly.

Y/n: Alright with what?

M/n: Can you grab the white rice, cinnamon and brown sugar from the pantry? I need to make the dessert, while May is working on dinner.

Y/n: Oh yeah no problem! 

As Y/n heads to the pantry, Petra finally comes back with the switch console. She looks over at May starting to make dinner, and walks over. 

Petra: Hey May, what are you making?

Aunt May smiles at her niece as she is cooking.

May: Just making some Lasagna.

Petra: Well it smells very good! So do the cookies, you two are doing amazing!

May: Well thank you sweetie.

May continues cooking as M/n takes out the rest of the ingredients from the fridge. Petra looks down at the ingredients and back up at M/n.

Petra: Hey Ms. L/n? 

M/n: Hm? Yes Petra?

Petra: What exactly are you making? 

M/n: Oh! I'm making Arroz con Leche, it was always my son's favorite you know? …Unfortunately I haven't been home often to actually make it for him. Though, he deserves to have it, and of course you kids all do too, it's been a rough couple of weeks for you all.
Petra lets out a weak chuckle as she recalls everything they've all been through. She shakes her head and puts up a smile either way.

Petra: Yeah… but hey, it sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it!

Y/n finally returns with the missing ingredients, and places them on the counter. 

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