5 - Quirk Assessment

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-Tatsuya's POV-

A day following the revelation of our U.A. results, All Might reached out to us, summoning Izuku and me to meet him at Dagoba. As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the beach, we made our way toward the familiar coastline we had tirelessly cleaned for the past ten months. It seemed All Might had chosen this secluded spot to ensure our meeting remained discreet, away from prying eyes. With each step along the sandy shore, anticipation mingled with the salt-tinged breeze, heightening the gravity of the impending encounter.

"Hi, All Might!" Izuku yelled, filled with emotion as he sprinted toward the iconic hero awaiting us by the waterfront, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Too loud, kid!" All Might exclaimed, a hint of panic underlying his words as he recoiled slightly, a trace of blood staining his lips.

The intensity of Izuku's greeting drew the attention of a couple leisurely strolling along the nearby pier. Their heads swiveled in search of the source of the commotion, unaware that the legendary hero they sought was standing just a stone's throw away, his presence concealed by the tranquil expanse of the sea.

"Oh man, that's a funny one, dude! Why would ALL MIGHT of all people be around this place, let alone at this time of night?!" I exclaimed, feigning hearty laughter as I playfully slapped Izuku's shoulder. It was a performance, a charade to throw off any suspicion that might arise from Izuku's emotional outburst. Only when the couple turned away, satisfied by our ruse, did I drop the act. "Nice one," I muttered, shooting Izuku a pointed look, my annoyance thinly veiled as he and All Might sighed with relief.

"Congrats on getting in, you two," All Might said, his voice carrying a sense of genuine pride.

"I couldn't have done it without your help!" Izuku replied gratefully, and I echoed his sentiment with a nod of acknowledgment.

"Oh, speaking of which. I didn't tell anyone at U.A. that I've been training you both or anything. I wasn't one of the judges and didn't pull any strings. Both of you earned your spots all on your own," All Might clarified, dispelling any notion of favoritism or special treatment.

"I was worried about that for a second," I admitted, my breath hitching slightly before I let out a relieved sigh, the tension easing from my shoulders like a heavy weight lifted.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Izuku chimed in, his voice brimming with gratitude as he offered a respectful bow to All Might. "Oh yeah! I was really surprised to hear you're going to be a teacher at U.A. this year. I was wondering what brought you here all of a sudden. After all, your agency is in Minato, Tokyo, and everyone knows—"

"Getting creepy," All Might and I interjected simultaneously, halting Izuku's train of thought before it could veer off into one of his characteristic tangents.

"The school didn't want me telling anyone about the job until they made an official announcement. It seemed like fortuitous timing, an easy way to find someone new to inherit One for All," All Might elaborated, his gaze fixed pensively on the ocean horizon. The moon cast a silvery glow upon the water's surface, and the gentle rhythm of the waves provided a serene backdrop to our conversation, lending an air of introspection to our meeting.

"So he was originally planning to give his Quirk to a U.A. student," I contemplated, my brow furrowing slightly as I processed the implications of All Might's revelation. My gaze shifted to Izuku, who appeared lost in thought, his eyes fixated on his hands as if searching for answers within them.

The revelation added another layer of complexity to the situation, leaving me pondering the myriad possibilities that might have unfolded if things had gone differently. What if another student had inherited One for All? How would it have shaped their journey as a hero?

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