33 - Attack on the Camp

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A/N: Before you dive in, I wanted to let you know that I've added some new content to this chapter. I hope you enjoy the updates and the fresh twists they bring to the story. Happy reading, and as always, your feedback is greatly appreciated!


-3rd Person POV-

Tatsuya felt like he had stumbled into some twisted joke, a cruel prank played by fate. First, villains had somehow managed to locate them despite Aizawa's assurances of secrecy. And now, standing before the wolf boy, was someone he had long believed to be dead.

"How are you all this evening, U.A. High School?" Iguchi's voice sliced through the tension like a blade. "We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains."

"The League of Villains? What are those guys doing here?" Ojiro asked, his voice tinged with disbelief as he glanced around at the menacing figures.

"I could crush this kitty's head so easily. How about it, dears, should I?" the villain with the sunglasses threatened, his words dripping with malice as he held the pillar menacingly above Pixie-Bob's head.

"You get away from her!" Tiger's voice boomed, cutting through the tense atmosphere like a thunderclap.

With an air of nonchalance, Iguchi positioned himself between the villain and Tiger, his demeanor calm yet calculated. "Now, now. Hold on, Big Sis Mag. You too, Tiger, calm down," he admonished, his words hinting at authority. "When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by Stain's principles."

"So, you're the ones he ended up inspiring," Iida remarked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and disbelief as he processed the revelation before him.

"At your service. That's us!" Iguchi declared flamboyantly, his voice carrying an air of grandiosity as he made a sweeping gesture through the air. His gaze then honed in on Iida, a glint of recognition sparking in his eyes. "And you, four eyes—I believe I recognize you. You're one of the self-righteous who attacked Stain in Hosu City!"

"Lemme introduce myself," he continued, his tone tinged with an ominous edge as he withdrew a massive sword composed of various blades from his back. "Call me, Spinner! I am here to make Stain's dreams a reality!"

"I don't care who you are! You're criminals!" Tiger retorted vehemently, his anger palpable. "The woman lying there is named Pixie-Bob, a pro hero who saved countless lives. She's giving her all for these young heroes, pushing them to reach their full potential. She's looking for a mate, but otherwise, she's content." Sharp claws extended from his fingertips, representing his protective instincts. "What gives you the right to cut such a happy life short!?"

"Didn't anyone tell you it's not a hero's job to be happy?!" Iguchi thundered, his voice reverberating with intensity as he charged towards Tiger.

A blur of motion zipped past them before Tiger or Mandalay could make a move. Iguchi was instantly sent stumbling backward by a powerful uppercut to his chin. The force of the blow knocked him back toward Mag, who caught him with a startled expression. Tiger, Mandalay, and the remaining students' jaws dropped in shock as they recognized the figure standing before them.

"Akiba, what are you doing?!" Mandalay's voice cut through the stunned silence, a mix of confusion and concern in her tone.

Tatsuya stood with his fist still clenched from the strike, his eyes locked onto Iguchi. "This doesn't make any sense!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion. "All this time, I thought you were dead, Iguchi!" The words burst out of him, disbelief flooding his senses and drowning out Mandalay's inquiry. His mind raced as he tried to reconcile the presence of his once-thought-dead friend with the terrifying reality unfolding before them.

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