3 - Roaring Muscles

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-Tatsuya's POV-

I knew deep down that those words carried a significance beyond mere acknowledgment. To Izuku, they were a validation of his dreams, a validation from the person he admired most in the world. As his adoptive brother and best friend, witnessing Izuku receive the recognition he so rightfully deserved filled me with an indescribable sense of pride.

Yet, beneath the surface, I could sense Izuku's struggle to contain his emotions, his heart racing with the weight of being acknowledged by the Number One Hero and being told that he had the potential to become a hero.

"I deem you worthy of my power; my Quirk is yours to inherit," All Might proclaimed, his voice echoing with solemnity.

"Huh?" Izuku and I both asked, exchanging puzzled glances, our brows furrowed in confusion.

"Wait, what do you mean inherit? Inherit what?" Izuku questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty

"You should see your faces right now," All Might chuckled warmly, his gaze shifting between Izuku and me. "Don't worry; I'm not gonna force this on you." With a reassuring smile, he closed the distance between us, ensuring that his words remained confidential. "Listen well, young man, this is your choice. Do you want to accept my awesome power or not?" he asked, throwing up more blood from how intense he was with the question.

"Is there a way to transfer a Quirk from one person to another? Is that possible?" I thought, still trying to find what All Might meant by "inheriting" his Quirk.

"There are a few things that both of you should be aware of when it comes to my abilities," All Might continued, grabbing our attention once more. "Reporters often speculate that my Quirk involves super strength or invincibility. However, during interviews, I always avoid answering such questions with a joke."

His demeanor shifted slightly, conveying the weight of his words. "This is because it is important for the world to believe that their Symbol of Peace is just an ordinary hero, much like them. But the truth is that my ability is far from natural."

All Might paused and allowed us to absorb this information. "I wasn't born with this power. It's a sacred torch passed on to me by someone else," he declared, his hands outstretched dramatically, symbolizing the weight of his legacy.

"Someone transferred their Quirk onto you? Is that possible?" I asked, my mind racing with questions and doubts, struggling to comprehend the implications of All Might's revelation.

"Oh, it's possible, young man, and you're next. I can give you my abilities," the pro declared, fixing his gaze on Izuku with unwavering determination.

"Wait, hold on. This is a lot to process," Izuku interjected, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he tried to wrap his head around the enormity of the situation. "It's true that there's a lot of debate as to what your Quirk actually is. Nobody's ever figured it out-- It's one of the world's greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online..." His explanation gradually devolved into a flurry of anxious babbling, his thoughts spiraling into an endless loop of speculation and conjecture.

"What's up with your friend?" All Might inquired, his concern evident in his voice as he observed Izuku's unraveling composure.

"Hold on a second, I'm gonna flip the off switch," I said as if it were a normal occurrence as I stepped toward Izuku, fighting a playful grin. With a light smack to the back of his head, I brought his frenzied muttering to an abrupt halt, earning a sheepish rub from him in response.

"Found it!" I joked, turning to All Might and gesturing toward Izuku with my thumb, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes.

"Thanks, my boy," All Might chuckled warmly, seizing the opportunity presented by Izuku's momentarily distracted state to address us both. "You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth! I can transfer my Quirk to someone else; that's just one facet of my secret abilities. The true name of my power is One for All."

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