🎥Two Heroes: Part 3

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A/N: Before delving into this chapter, I strongly suggest checking out the updated version of Ch. 23. While the added content may not be extensive, it plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative for the upcoming chapters. Newcoming readers can ignore this message.


-Tatsuya's POV-

Upon passing through the door, we discovered ourselves on the 198th floor. As we approached the stairs, my ears twitched as I heard a faint swoosh in that same direction.

I held my arms out to hold the others back and moved my head to catch a knife with my teeth. I looked in the direction where the knife came from to see a villain coming at us with his arm reeled back, covered in cone-shaped blades. Izuku moved in front of me to block the attack with his gauntlet.

"You shouldn't have come here!" the villain declared with a chilling sneer, the resonance of his voice echoing through the sterile corridors.

"Tell me why you criminals are doing this!" Izuku demanded, his voice resonating with defiance and conviction.

The villain, manifesting more deadly blades on his other arm, presented a formidable threat. A malevolent smirk played across his face as he warned, "You chose the wrong place to play hero, kids!" The cold gleam of the newly formed blades reflected the peril of the encounter.

I seized the opportune distraction and used the metallic railing as a makeshift springboard. Executing a graceful backflip, I delivered a forceful kick to the villain's head with my extended leg soaring through the air. The clash unfolded like a dance of combatants; each move choreographed in the intricate ballet of conflict.

The villain, momentarily subdued by the surprise attack, struggled to regain composure. Sensing an opening, I pressed the advantage. My leg descended in a decisive ax kick, delivering a punishing blow to the back of the villain's head. The air crackled with tension as the antagonist succumbed to the force of the impact, collapsing to the ground in a state of unconscious defeat.

Releasing a relieved exhale, I cast a vigilant gaze around, assessing the well-being of our group. "Is everybody okay?" I inquired, prompting a chorus of affirmations assuring that everyone emerged unharmed. "Alright, let's keep going!"

Ascending the stairs in pursuit of the top floor, we forged ahead with determination etched on our faces. However, midway up the final flight, I halted the group again, a flicker of concern crossing my features. A pair of unfamiliar scents wafted through the air, signaling an impending threat. Peeking cautiously around the corner, I beheld two grunts stationed at the door, each armed with menacing assault rifles.

"There are two masked villains, each with guns," I relayed to the others in a low whisper, shifting my gaze toward Izuku. "Izuku, you have more speed than I do, so can you take care of them?"

Izuku nodded, powering up Full Cowling as a wave of determination swept across his features. Darting forward with lightning speed, he seized the villains' attention, triggering a flurry of gunshots reverberating through the air. I instinctively covered my ears to dampen the noise, witnessing the confrontation unfold. The cacophony of gunfire abruptly ceased as Izuku dispatched the first villain with a powerful punch. Another volley of shots echoed but was swiftly replaced by silence as the second assailant crumpled to the ground beside us.

As the dust settled, I poised my foot for a decisive strike but hesitated, recognizing that further aggression was unnecessary. Gently, I nudged the firearm away from the fallen villain's body. Sensing the coast was clear, Melissa, Hailey, and I ascended the stairs in unison, leaving Izuku to give us a reassuring thumbs-up. Though the first villain remained wedged by the door, we pressed forward undeterred.

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