7 - Training's End, Rivalry's Beginning

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-3rd Person POV-

Most of the people in the monitoring room were speechless after witnessing how the fight between teams A and D had been decided. The hero team won at the cost of destroying a significant portion of the building and Izuku injured his arm again. Iida was aiding Uraraka, who was experiencing sickness as a result of overusing her Quirk, while Bakugo was gazing past Izuku's unconscious body in distress.

"What a weird way for this to end," Kaminari remarked, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped the room. "The losers are practically untouched, and the winners are both on the ground." His observation captured the perplexity shared by many as they processed the unconventional outcome of the fierce confrontation.

"How does the old saying go? They may have lost the battle, but they won the war," Tokoyami mused, his tone reflective. His words echoed through the room, inviting contemplation amidst the chaos and destruction left in the wake of the battle.

Tatsuya rolled his eyes, his demeanor betraying his skepticism as he sought refuge against the wall nearest to the hallway leading to the training grounds. Arms crossed tightly against his chest, he watched the scene unfold with a mixture of resignation and discontent, his thoughts veiled behind a mask of indifference. Meanwhile, outside the confines of the monitoring room, All Might ventured forth to assess the extent of the damages wrought by the intense clash of powers.

As Izuku was carefully transported on a stretcher to the nurse's office, the weight of his unconscious form seemed to mirror the burden of his determination etched upon his face. His features were a canvas of conflicting emotions, the lines of pain etched alongside the resolve that burned within him. Unconscious yet determined, his journey mirrored his tumultuous path as a burgeoning hero.

Meanwhile, Bakugo stood nearby, his presence a silent testament to the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within him. With his gaze fixed upon his trembling hand, he found himself ensnared in a labyrinth of thoughts and emotions, each one more intricate and bewildering than the last. The events of the exercise replayed in his mind like a relentless torrent, his thoughts consumed by the stark reality of his defeat at Izuku's hands.

"My attacks... Deku predicted them. He made me look like an idiot and somehow managed to win the exercise," Bakugo thought, his trembling escalating into hyperventilation as he vividly recalled Izuku's words before their clash. "Does this mean that if we really fought... if we didn't hold back, Deku would beat me with his Quirk?"

The unsettling realization gnawed at the ash-blonde's mind, leaving him feeling both astonished and uncertain about the true extent of Izuku's abilities. However, amidst the tempest of emotions, Bakugo found himself drawn back to the present by the comforting presence of All Might. The symbol of peace stood beside him, a pillar of strength and guidance in the midst of his turmoil. With a reassuring hand upon his shoulder, All Might offered words of wisdom, a beacon of hope in the darkness of doubt.

"Young Bakugo, cool your jets," All Might's voice resonated with authority and compassion, cutting through the haze of Bakugo's inner turmoil. "Let's go review your work. Whether you win or lose, you can always take something away from an experience like this as long as you're open to learning," he continued, his tone gentle yet firm.


In the dimly lit viewing room, the atmosphere hung heavy with anticipation as Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka awaited the feedback on their recent battle. The trio stood in a line, their expressions a mix of nerves and determination, as their classmates respectfully gave them space. Positioned at the center of the room, they faced their teachers, ready to receive both praise and critique of their performance.

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