35 - Shattered Serenity

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains scenes of torture, which people may find distressing. Reader discretion is advised. Please prioritize your mental well-being while engaging with this story, and consider seeking support if you find the subject matter deeply unsettling.


-3rd Person POV-

Back at U.A. the morning after the attack, the ambiance of the conference room was incredibly tense after Nezu and the teachers got a call from Aizawa and Vlad King about it. The stark fluorescent lights cast harsh shadows across the faces of the assembled faculty, highlighting the strain and anxiety etched into their expressions. The irony of a villain attack occurring at the summer training camp, which was meant to prepare the students for such threats, was not lost on anyone in the room. Silence hung heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation pressing down on them like an unseen weight.

"We knew the League would resurface, but we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans," Nezu said, his voice carrying a tone of somber reflection. The small yet intelligent creature sat at the head of the table, his paws clasped together as his beady eyes scanned the room. "They aim to destroy hero society, and they've already started their war." The implications of his words settled over the group, each hero grappling with the realization of their shortcomings in predicting and preventing the attack.

"Even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack? They're moving pieces we didn't even know they possessed," Midnight pointed out, her voice a strained mix of professionalism and concern. She leaned forward, her usually confident demeanor now tinged with vulnerability. The immense worry in her eyes as she looked toward Nezu mirrored the unease felt by all present. "Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crime. We're all rusty."

"We've definitely gotten complacent during peaceful times without realizing it. I guess deep down all of us thought that we'd be riding the sweet life for good," Present Mic admitted, his usual exuberance replaced by a rare tone of introspection. The traces of the radio host persona he was known for were gone, leaving behind a man grappling with the harsh reality of their situation.

"I will never forgive myself for such cowardly ignorance," All Might said, his voice heavy with guilt and regret. He slumped forward, his thin frame smaller as he pressed his thumbs against his forehead. "While our students were fighting desperately for their lives, I was just... having a relaxing soak in the bath." His words hung in the air, starkly contrasting to the man who had always been the pillar of hope.

"We shouldn't've had the sports festival right after the USJ attack. We wanted to show we were still strong," Snipe noted with slight annoyance, his voice carrying an edge of bitterness. The gunslinger hero's usually calm demeanor was replaced by a storm of frustration and self-reproach, his words echoing the collective failure they all felt. "To have a student kidnapped is our greatest failure as teachers. They've taken Akiba and society's faith in heroes away from us."

"I agree. Every news outlet is currently condemning U.A. High. Even if Akiba was not one of the main targets, I am sure he would have been the next best one since the villains noticed him lashing out at the final round of the sports festival and could take advantage of it," Nezu said as he held up a tablet and a newspaper, both bearing articles that talked about the kidnapping and the questioning of U.A.'s management. Headlines screamed about the school's incompetence, and the public's trust in their ability to protect their students shattered. "If he ends up joining the villains' side, that will be the end of U.A. as a school."

"Since we're on the topic of trust, there's something I think has to be voiced now," Present Mic said, breaking the silence that had settled over the conference room. "At this point, we can't deny it anymore, can we?" His expression turned grave as he leaned forward, the weight of his words pressing down on everyone present. "There's a traitor at this school." The statement hung in the air, a heavy accusation everyone had feared but no one dared to voice.

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