4 - Starting Line

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-Tatsuya's POV-

After wishing Izuku luck, I swiftly made my way to the locker room, eager to change into attire more suitable for the upcoming exercise. Shedding my civilian clothes for something more comfortable, I mentally prepared myself for the challenges that lay ahead. With a quick glance at the clock, I realized it was time to head to the battle center assigned to me—battle center C.

As I entered the designated area, I noticed a few other examinees already gathered, their expressions a mix of anticipation and nerves. Taking a moment to center myself, I engaged in some stretches and deep breaths, using the brief respite to calm my racing emotions.

With Present Mic's signal, the exam commenced, and I wasted no time in springing into action. Opting to separate from the pack, I surged forward with determination, knowing that my strategy might earn me more points if executed successfully. As I navigated the simulated battlefield, my focus remained steadfast, my senses attuned to any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a one-pointer appeared, its massive form towering over the landscape. "Target acquired. Commencing attack," it said, raising its arm to unleash its attack.

Reacting swiftly, I closed the distance between us, my adrenaline surging as I prepared to engage in combat. "Come get some!" I exclaimed aggressively as I launched myself at the robot, my movements fueled by a fierce determination to succeed.

As I made contact, my fist collided with the metal exterior of the machine, the impact reverberating through my arm. Undeterred, I pressed forward, channeling all of my strength into each strike.

The clang of metal echoed through the air as I unleashed a flurry of blows upon the robot, each strike leaving its mark on the formidable opponent. Despite the formidable nature of my adversary, I refused to relent, my resolve unwavering as I continued to press the attack.

My fist connected with the dented metal, exerting enough force to create a fissure through which I could access its inner workings. Digging my fingers into the aperture, I began to yank out wires and circuits, disrupting the robot's functionality. Gradually, the mechanical monstrosity's movements slowed to a crawl before grinding to a halt, its lights flickering as it succumbed to defeat.

Standing over the defeated adversary, a surge of triumph surged through me as I surveyed the scene. The fruits of my training were evident as I stood victorious, my determination and resilience proving to be formidable weapons against the simulated threats. With a self-assured smirk, I wasted no time in shifting my focus to the next challenge that awaited me.

Throughout the ten months of training, All Might was able to help me train my sense of smell so that I could track down certain metals and keep track of multiple scents at once, so this helped me out a ton as I was looking for more faux villains.

As I continued my relentless pursuit of victory, I followed the trail of sulfide, a distinctive scent that led me to the heart of the action. Drawing closer, I beheld a chaotic scene unfolding before me—a cluster of robots engaged in combat with a group of individuals, their struggles evident in their desperate movements. Amidst the chaos stood a blonde boy with a peculiar feature—a hairless tail, save for its tip—a sight that piqued my curiosity as I prepared to join the fray.

I lunged forward, my focus locked onto the nearest target—a formidable three-pointer looming menacingly to my left. With practiced skill, I delivered a powerful haymaker, the force of my blow denting the metallic arm of the robot and momentarily throwing it off balance.

Seizing the opportunity, I pivoted seamlessly, unleashing a spinning side kick aimed squarely at the right side of its face. The impact reverberated through the air as the robot staggered backward, crashing into the one-pointer positioned behind it with a resounding thud.

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