8 - What Was Tamed...

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-Tatsuya's POV-

After saying goodbye, I was finally able to get to the locker room and change out of my hero costume. I was initially concerned that my classmates would ask about my scars, but luckily, no one did. I was getting out of the building to see Izuku and All Might talking.

As I met up with them, Izuku told me about his discussion with Bakugo, and let me tell you, I couldn't believe my ears. Bakugo is the most prideful person I've ever known, so it was hard to think of the possibility that he'd cry out of impotence. On the other hand, since we saved him from the sludge villain, he's been putting his pride aside as time went on. I guess it's some progress on his character, not that I'd suddenly start being nice to him due to the shit he said to Izuku right before we met All Might.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that Izuku told Bakugo of all people that his power wasn't his own and was given to him. While it's technically true, why did he think that BAKUGO was owed an explanation?! Couldn't that walking rage-fest have accepted that Izuku held back because he didn't want to hurt him? What am I talking about? It's BAKUGO!

It was now the next day; Izuku and I were heading to school like we usually do, except when we got there, we saw the press clamoring around the entrance to the campus grounds for the second day in a row. They've been harassing anyone who enters the school for answers since the media found out that All Might has started working as a teacher for U.A., which was getting out of hand.

"I have to hand it to the press; their persistence knows no bounds," I remarked, my voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation.

"Can't we just get around them somehow?" Izuku's voice trembled with unease, his eyes darting nervously towards the throng of reporters.

"As much as I'd love to avoid them, this is the only entrance. Good grief," I sighed heavily, my gaze fixed on the impassable wall of journalists. "I'm afraid we'll have to push through them. Just try to ignore them as much as you can," I added, reaching out to grip Izuku's left shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. Though the prospect of facing the press filled us both with trepidation, there was no choice but to forge ahead, braving the storm of scrutiny that awaited us.

Izuku nodded resolutely, and we braced ourselves to navigate through the sea of reporters. The determined journalists were pushing and jostling, eager to get a scoop on the unfolding event. We tried our best to make headway, inching closer to the entrance. However, luck wasn't on our side, and despite our efforts, we couldn't entirely escape the press's prying eyes. Inevitably, one of them managed to break through the crowd and called out to us, intensifying the unwanted attention we were receiving.

"Hey, you two!" A reporter's voice pierced the air, cutting through the bustling noise of the press as she surged forward, brandishing a microphone like a weapon. "Can you tell us what it's like to work closely with All Might? Are you both All Might's students?"

"Sorry, no comment," I replied tersely, my patience already wearing thin as I steered Izuku towards the sanctuary of the school gates. The barrage of inquiries was relentless, but I had no intention of succumbing to their probing scrutiny.

Just as we were on the cusp of escaping the clutches of the press, a sudden yelp escaped my lips, reverberating through the chaotic scene. With a jolt, I felt a firm grip around my tail, halting our progress in its tracks. My instincts kicked into overdrive as I whirled around, my eyes flashing with surprise and irritation. In one fluid motion, I extricated myself from the reporter's grasp, asserting my boundaries with a steely resolve that caught everyone off guard. With practiced ease, I placed her in an armlock, a silent reminder that my personal space was not to be invaded without consequence.

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