43 - The Quest for Ultimate Moves

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-3rd Person POV-

Aizawa gathered the students of Class 1-A into their familiar homeroom, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. The sunlight streaming through the windows cast long shadows across the desks, but the students' attention remained squarely on their teacher, who stood at the front of the class, his expression as unreadable as ever.

"I believe I mentioned this already," Aizawa began, his voice calm yet carrying a weight that immediately commanded silence, "but your main goal this summer is to obtain your provisional hero licenses."

The class responded in unison, voices ringing with determination. "Yes, sir!"

Aizawa's eyes swept across the room, his gaze sharp, as though sizing each of them up. His tone dropped, becoming more severe than usual. "Do not take this lightly," he warned, pausing just long enough for the gravity of his words to sink in. "A hero license means you're responsible for human lives. The exam to receive one is very difficult. Only fifty percent of students pass the tests required for these permits each year."

"It's that hard to get a provisional license?" Mineta asked, his voice tinged with unease.

Aizawa didn't answer immediately but instead shifted gears, his expression unchanging. "In order to prepare," he said, as if Mineta's question wasn't even necessary, "today, you'll focus on creating something new."

As if on cue, the classroom doors slid open with a sharp hiss, and three familiar figures entered: Cementoss, Midnight, and Ectoplasm. The students straightened in their seats as the heroes took their places beside Aizawa, their presence signaling that today was about to be anything but ordinary.

"Two ultimate moves," Aizawa announced, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

"Ultimate moves?" Kirishima and Kaminari echoed, their surprise evident. The idea of creating something so advanced and specific to themselves ignited a spark of excitement that spread quickly through the class.

"An exam is a normal school thing," Kaminari muttered under his breath, still trying to wrap his head around the intensity of the upcoming trials.

"But this is total hero work!" Kirishima and Sero shouted, unable to contain their enthusiasm. The very thought of developing moves that defined them as future pro heroes made their blood pump faster, their fists clenched in anticipation.

"When we say 'ultimate,' we mean a move that will ensure victory against your opponent," Ectoplasm said, his voice deep and firm, leaving no room for misunderstanding. His words were like a challenge, one that the students felt burning in their chests.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it," Cementoss added, his calm demeanor doing nothing to dull the power behind the statement. "Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths."

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pro heroes have an ultimate move," Midnight chimed in, her voice both sultry and authoritative. "Those who don't are fools." She smirked as if daring any of them to fall short of that expectation.

The air in the room became charged with an almost palpable energy. The students could feel the enormity of the task before them, yet it stirred something in them—a desire to prove themselves.

Aizawa, sensing the shift in the room, spoke again. "This may sound abstract," he acknowledged, his tone softening ever so slightly, "but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now, change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma."

With those final words, the students shot to their feet, the weight of what lay ahead settling firmly on their shoulders. Yet amidst the pressure, there was a thrill—a spark that ignited the fire within them. Today was the beginning of something greater, something that would push them closer to their dreams of becoming pro heroes.

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