(S2) 11 - Back to Class

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-Tatsuya's POV-

The first thing I heard upon waking up was the sound of slow, constant beeping. I felt sluggish, and my vision was blurry, but I could only make out the color white. Judging by the soft feeling on my head and back, I could only assume I was not in the USJ.

I instantly sat up at the remembrance of Shigaraki and the Nomu and felt a shooting pain in my left arm. The pace of the beeping quickened for a brief moment as I clutched it with a pain-filled hiss escaping my lips before the sound went back to a slow, constant rate. After a few seconds of blinking, my vision cleared to see the small room with light blue walls.

I looked down at my aching arm, which was covered in bright white bandages. My chest must have received the same scrutiny because I felt slightly snug beneath my hospital gown. Beside the bed sat an array of medical equipment, serving as additional clues that helped pinpoint my location.

My train of thought came to an abrupt halt as a nurse hurried into the room, her expression a mix of worry and relief. Upon spotting me sitting up, a silent sigh seemed to escape her before she swiftly made her way to my side. "Thank goodness you're awake, sir!" she exclaimed, her smile warm as she glanced at the IV drip.

"How are the others? Is everyone okay?" I asked with a hint of urgency amidst the raspiness of my voice.

"Everyone is fine. Your teacher will be back up and running in no time," the nurse reassured, deftly replacing the IV bag while I breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, a sense of disorientation creeping in.

"Thankfully, no longer than a day," she replied, her voice laced with reassurance. "Now, let's get you something to eat; you must be starving," she added, a faint smile gracing her lips.

As the nurse said that, she wheeled in a cart, and the sight of the tray of food atop it sent a pang of hunger through me, my stomach rumbling loudly in agreement. Mortified, I averted my gaze, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The nurse's response was a gentle chuckle, her warmth palpable as she placed the tray within my reach.

Glancing at the offerings on the tray—a neatly halved sandwich and an adjacent cup of red Jello—I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Despite their visual appeal, I knew these meager portions wouldn't be enough to satisfy my hunger.

"Um... could I possibly get some more?" I inquired tentatively, casting a hopeful look at the nurse.

"Unfortunately, that's all I can offer at the moment. I'm sorry," she replied, a hint of regret tainting her words as a slight frown creased her brow.

"It's fine. Thanks anyway," I responded casually, attempting to hide my disappointment as I reached for one of the sandwich halves.

"You're welcome," the nurse nodded, her expression softening into a smile. "Let me know if you need anything."

After the nurse left the room, taking the cart with her, I wolfed down the sandwich in less than two minutes. It tasted like cardboard with styrofoam in the middle, but the Jello managed to mellow out the taste with ease.

Of course, the snack didn't satisfy my hunger, so I decided to take my mind off it by turning on the TV since I didn't have my phone. As I switched it on, the first thing that caught my attention was the news segment featuring a picture of USJ displayed on the side. Of course, they were still talking about it a day after the event. If it were any other school, it would be a big enough scandal, but given that it happened at U.A. High, the incident was more significant than it normally would be.

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